Cars & Vehicles Auto Parts & Maintenance & Repairs

How to Repair Electronic Auto Keys

    • 1). Locate the dealership closest to you that sells the make and model of vehicle key you are looking to repair. Visit the local dealership and purchase a new battery for your electronic key. Ensure you have the correct make and model from the drivers manual so that you receive the right battery.

    • 2). Insert a sharp blade into the seam on the electronic device. This will allow you to gain access to the area where the battery is stored.

    • 3). Unclasp the old battery from its connectors and replace it with the newly purchased battery. The battery should just clip in to place when pressure is applied.

    • 4). While the device is open, check to make sure there are no loose wire connections which could be causing the electronic key to stop working. If a cable is loose, attach it to its connection simply by pressing it in place.

    • 5). Close the casing and test the car key on the electronic lock to ensure it is now working correctly. If it is still not working you may need to purchase a brand new key from your local dealer.

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