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Darwin the ape has left a progeny of many apes!

Darwin the ape has left a progeny of many apes!

There is nothing more ridiculous and more stupid than the Darwinian theory of evolution.

According to this naïve idea Humans were Apes few millions of years ago. Then apes decided to be humans. It is a long story of ape effort to become human. Apes have decided their life is boring in their ape form and mind. So, why not change into something more interesting!

Well, their struggle was crowned with success and they became the new Obama, Sarkozy and Jintao. Those who put more strife into it were able to be Einsteins and Hawkings.

Not bad for an ape, isn't it!

But before apes became humans, for many common features unite them with humans like arses in the air or little minds, what were apes?

According to the genius Darwin ape they were little insignificant amoebas living marginally in the sea. These little insignificant amoebas decided by themselves to become more intelligent and more apparent and enjoy life more fully.

Well, they must have succeeded, like their ape descendants, and were developed by their intentional will to become other living species. Some of them managed, with their intelligence and good will, to be Dinosaurs, some chose other forms of mammoths, at pleasure. For it is indeed at will when an amoeba decides to be in the shape and form of a bigger species nature allows it to do so, out of respect of course.

Then after Seventy millions of years Dinosaurs disappeared giving way to other species. Dinosaurs decided to be pigeons. Why not? What stops them, should they wish to be pigeons, from realizing their dreams? Where is the problem?

They did very well and they became pigeons, some of them were doing better and became beautiful sparrows, canaries and even parrots. Some decided to be eagles and met a lot of success.

Some of the dinosaurs were able to choose other types of life manifestations like reptiles or crocodiles or even fish. Good luck was with them all the time. For if any of the development processes falls short of its target then it is indeed catastrophic.

However, amoebas, in their planning forgot to show any links between species, animal ones that is. They then could not offer a proof of their evolution. Too bad, too sad. Living species lack in this link. They also lack in explaining who species stopped to develop further. As if the Darwinian apes and chimpanzees had enough of evolving and stopped at the present two millions of species.

Or rather, another explanation which would be more satisfactory to all human apes, especially scientific ones, who believe in Darwinism evolution, is that apes observed  and are fully convinced of their progeny of humans to be utterly evil and does nothing but shedding blood, destruction and folly, and therefore stopped further evolution.

But at the heart of it Darwin being an par excellence left everything to chance and mechanical finality. But alas he was an ape himself and did not see further than his flat big nose.

All is open to discussion.

If you happen to be a Darwinian ape then you would understand the reality of your forefathers!!

In all this amoebas and apes, especially human ones, have left nothing to God All Mighty to create and to bring about. The universe then, and according to the ape Darwin, was evolved by the will and aid of amoebas and there progeny the chimpanzees.

Darwin was a genius ape and so is his personal progeny!

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