How I Came To Love Antioxidant Rich Anti Aging SkinCare
I am one who has struggled to keep my skincare products as natural as possible over the years. I've gone back and forth between healthy, chemical free products and some not so ideal, benzoil peroxide based options in hopes for acne solutions. Using benzoil peroxide based products for years left my skin extremely dry. I stuck with it in desperation as it seemed like the only ingredient that reduced my acne. Unfortunately, it was the only thing that was widely available due to mass production and mass marketing.
Benzoil peroxide worked for a few years as long as I used it twice per day, everyday. However, my body built up a tolerance for this awful chemical and after a few years, the usual 2.5% benzoil peroxide stopped reducing my acne. I was petrified! Anyone who's had acne knows how unpleasant it is. It's not just how it looks but the inflammation makes your face hurt, too. Not fun. I didn't know what else to do but go out and buy something stronger. I tried 4% and 5% benzoil peroxide variations. It helped a little but I still broke out like a teenager. It did little more than suck all moisture out and leave my skin with dehydration lines. NOT PRETTY!
Finally, as a woman in my thirties, I felt I couldn't afford to continue using products that dried out my skin. I so desperately needed something that would nourish and regenerate my now seemingly, prematurely aging skin. Moisturizers only seemed to produce more acne but I needed moisture so badly, I decided to take my chances and bought a new anti aging, antioxidant rich, paraben free cream. Much to my surprise, I felt relief as soon as I started to use it. And after a few days I noticed something even more surprising. In addition to my skin feeling moisturized, my acne actually seemed to be lessening. The inflamation was relieved after a couple of weeks and in addition to my skin feeling smooth and looking young, my acne had reduced by an astonishing 90%.
Oh thank you, antioxidants! Retinol, betinol, resveratrol, acai berry, carrot, glycolic acid, beta carotene, vitamin c and a. Look for these when finding a good anti aging cream and avoid parabens, fragrance, alcohol and mineral oils as they will only dry out your skin as well as produce nasty side effects. Talk about contradiction!
So why isn't this common knowledge? Sadly, it seems that many of the major skincare manufacturers use preservatives like paraben because it's cheap in spite of the now more conclusive research that suggests high risk side effects. Yes, paraben is an effective preservative. So effective, that they can mass produce without the worry of the expiry date coming before they get a chance to be sell out of the product at hand. The obvious motivation here is massive financial gain at the expense of consumer health. Other unnecessary ingredients are added for inviting scent and some others are just fillers. This is an issue we all need to be aware of and educate ourselves before we buy into fancy commercials and packaging.
My fight to keep adult acne away while keeping my face moisturized and young looking, forced me to do a whole lot of research on the subject. Stay tuned for further articles on this subject and feel free to comment on my blog listed below.