Society & Culture & Entertainment Writing

Tips For Organizing Your Writing Life

I have been writing on and off since I was nine.
I have also organized and reorganized my writing over the years in a hundred different ways and still my desk is a mess.
When I keep things in order, my writing is more focused.
I know this, and the beginning of every New Year finds me sifting through papers and notes that I have forgotten as I make a clean start and put everything in its place.
I am no expert and financially cannot begin to furnish my office with expensive files and shelves, desks and tables like a CEO of a fancy company.
But over the course of several serious writing years, I have found several inexpensive things to help me stay organized.
Here are a few tips that may help you with staying focused and more productive.
I keep a simple spiral notebook on my desk right next to my computer.
I go through one every month or two.
I take down phone numbers, websites, notes about conferences, ideas to explore later, or anything else that comes to mind while I am at my desk writing.
This keeps me from getting away from the writing when these thoughts cross my mind or when I am checking emails.
I then have a record and can address these later when my writing time is complete.
I am a big fan of colorful note pads, folders, and calendar pages.
I reward myself for work completed by purchasing bright and fancy folders or sticky notes the next shopping trip I make.
They are inexpensive, I usually spend no more than $10.
00 at a time, but they brighten my files and make organizing less tedious.
I also assign colors to different projects so when spread out or filed, I can easily grab the things I need for a current assignment.
( examples: Pink for kids fiction, blue dots for adult magazine articles, etc.
) 3.
I work hard at keeping the desk top clear of clutter while writing.
I try to keep just the notes I need for a project or the guidelines I need.
Filing after each writing session helps, but I admit I am not always good at putting stuff away thinking that I will come right back to it.
The trouble with that theory is when I come back it is usually to work on something else.
Practice filing when you are finished working on that for the day.
You will come back to a clean writing area to start again.
I reorganize the clutter once a week when I write my new marketing plan for the next week.
I file, pitch, and prepare for a clean start.
These tips are inexpensive and help to keep me on track with my writing goals.
And my desk is somewhat clear and my files are oh so pretty.
Try it and watch your writing take off for 2010.

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