Health & Medical Immune System Disorders

What Thyroid Symptoms Should You Look For?

You have noticed changes in your skin, hair, energy levels, weight, and even mental outlook.
You just assume it's because you are getting older.
But, the changes could be a result of thyroid problems from an underactive thyroid gland.
Low thyroid hormone production called hypothyroidism is common in women in fact; women older than fifty are usually more likely to have hypothyroidism.
Hypothyroidism is an underactive thyroid in which your thyroid gland doesn't produce enough of certain hormones.
Hypothyroidism upsets the normal balance of chemical reactions in your body but does not cause symptoms in the early stage.
After a simple blood test to determine any thyroid problems, treatment with synthetic thyroid hormones can be given.
The thyroid symptoms of hypothyroidism can include; a.
Fatigue b.
Cold intolerance c.
Appetite loss d.
Weight gain e.
High blood pressure f.
Reduced sweating which can cause dry skin and brittle nails g.
Thin or coarse hair or dry skin and hair h.
Difficulty concentrating, memory problems i.
Constipation j.
Slower speech and movement k.
Heavier, more frequent periods l.
Muscle aches and joint pain m.
Depression Symptoms of hyperthyroidism, which is an overactive thyroid, can vary by age groups.
Younger people show an increase in heart rate and blood pressure, irregular heart beat, extreme sweating, hand tremors, nervousness, anxiety, insomnia, and increased appetite with weight loss.
Older people with hyperthyroidism experience weakness, sleepiness, are confused, withdrawn, and depressed.
Another thyroid symptom of hyperthyroidism is an enlarged thyroid gland or goiter and bulging eyes.
The thyroid symptoms of hyperthyroidism in general are; a.
Increased heart rate and blood pressure b.
Extreme sweating c.
Nervousness and anxiety d.
Insomnia e.
Increased appetite with weight loss f.
Heat sensitivity g.
Thinning of your skin h.
Feeling hot i.
Fine, brittle or thinning hair j.
Muscular weakness k.
Eye problems l.
Menstrual irregularity m.
Muscle weakness n.
Frequent bowel movements Even though you may be prescribed prescription medications to correct the imbalance with your thyroid problems, whether it be hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism, alternative remedies are also available to help soothe and support the thyroid gland and will work with the entire system to create a healthy balance.

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