Society & Culture & Entertainment Environmental

Your Health, Sanity, And - T-Shirts?

The other night, while researching a bit for this article, I was trying to think of an appropriate name for it.
I jotted down a bunch of names and nothing seemed to fit.
Finally "Your Health, Sanity, And T-shirts" made perfect sense.
Of course, admittedly, a lot of things make perfect sense to me, and me only, and a lot of issues ring true to others that leave me clueless.
Though I consider myself an expert by no means, I have seen, in my now over a half-century on this planet, trends come and go.
I have heard hype and I've heard truisms, seen fads come and go, and experienced them all.
Probably so have you.
In 1978, I became convinced that natural foods would one day catch on.
I opened a health food store.
That in itself may not seem like such a big idea to many, but I did so in rural Mississippi.
Of course to many, I was a "pagan at best".
It mattered not.
I was only twenty-eight and learning to carve my niche (which, incidentally took many twists and turns well into my forties).
Never in a million years would I consider that my clothes were killing me.
We hear much about mercury poisoning from the fillings in our teeth, and, sure enough, those were no "wolf cries".
Even the tiny bits of mercury in our fillings not only kill us, but in some ways that is the good news.
Before they do that, they zap our immune system causing everything from cancer to heart disease to depression and yes, even insanity.
Not every time but it can.
Now that the planet is a bit more "green", at least we try to think and act more earth-friendly by recycling, (hopefully) driving smaller cars that use less gas, or even hybrids, and we surely have not littered, most of us, in decades.
But what about our T-shirts? I had a feeling that was the next question on your mind.
The latest wolf cry is that our T-shirts, among other clothing, or at least the chemicals and dyes in them are killing us.
As it turns out, this wolf-cry is the truest of them all.
The skin is our body's largest organ and absorbs everything and rather rapidly But what does that have to do with T-shirts? Americans love T-shirts, and, the average American has dozens of them, containing graphic art.
Many of the tees themselves are dyed with a chemical dye that seeps through the skin the minute it is worn.
Does washing take it out? I wish I could say so, but not.
It does basically similar things to us that the mercury in our teeth do.
Many of us love wearing our tees often.
As I said, it can happen with any type of clothing, depending on the fabric itself and dye process.
Cotton is one of the most sprayed plants with insecticide and accounts for at least ten percent of this type pollution.
Much of it stays in the fabric.
This is in addition to the chemicals in the dyes.
The solution? Go green with your tees.
Make sure the company uses all natural toxic free dyes.
Make sure the tee is 100% organically grown cotton.
Not only will you feel better about what you are doing for the planet, but what you have on.
These tees really do feel better.
Do they cost more? Not as much as you may think.
The average I've found is about $5 more.
Not a bad deal at all for what all you get in return.
And once you feel the organic cotton on your skin, it is impossible to go back to anything less.
And I'm not crying wolf.

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