Resignation by Government Duly Electged
Resignation by governments duly elected
Time has come when we should think over the subject and we should examine whether a government duly elected can tender resignation mid-way or whether the people in the government or in alliance can withdraw from the alliance and thus compel the government to resign because it goes in minority. These are important question in a democratic set up because in a democracy people are the real masters and all those whoa re elected or appointed are merely public servants. The public servants should not be allowed to dishonour the verdict of the people which they have given and they have allowed a government to function in the country for the prescribed period. Elections should not allowed to be conducted before the expiry of the tenure.
Here in India we had got a family rule and we tolerated the same though such a rule is totally foreign to a democracy. Then we had got a party dictatorship which is also no allowed in a democracy and then we had been under individual autocracy and we had suffered much. Then the people of India could adopt another idea and they introduced this alliance system, but this alliance system has got so many troubles with us and one day we shall change this concept too because the political parties coming in alliance are not honouring the people of India and their verdict. Once the people have given them an opportunity they must remain in office till the tenure is over and there should be no mid-way breaking away.
Here in India the present government is going down in minority because one party has already withdrawn and some other left groups are threatening to withdraw. This withdrawing system is not allowed under the constitution of India. Once they have joined in the alliance, they must continue in the alliance for full term of five years and they must not be allowed to withdraw. If there is no law, we should enact such a law under which people coming in the alliance must know that their entry had been sanctioned by the people to whom they are serving and they should accept the verdict of the people i.e. the masters and they should remain in alliance till final date of tenure.
Governments are elected by the people and only then they are allowed to have seats in the houses and they should not be allowed to leave the house at their own sweet will. They are public servants and they have occupied these seats of power and till the people desire they should remain serving the people and till the next date of elections. They must work because when these threats are there, the government functioning stops and people who are the masters suffer because of mischief of some members in the house. They must serve because they were elected, appointed and given wages for their work and they have got no will of their own.
People of India and that of the world must examine this question because such situations are also there in other countries and India is not an exception. Therefore, the people must come forward and tell the people in the houses that they are not having any independence. Once they are in and the people have given them recognition, they should obey the orders of the masters and they should wait till the next general election.
The people in the houses must know that elections in India is not an easy task. Huge amounts are spent on elections and if we go deep so many people are killed in each elections. And the people also suffer because the election process in India is cumbersome and costly. We have to spare time, money, energy and all that we have to hear much about the people who are standing in elections. No one should be allowed to waste time of the people and the public servants must behave like servants and they should be allowed to function as masters of the country.
Time has come when we should think over the subject and we should examine whether a government duly elected can tender resignation mid-way or whether the people in the government or in alliance can withdraw from the alliance and thus compel the government to resign because it goes in minority. These are important question in a democratic set up because in a democracy people are the real masters and all those whoa re elected or appointed are merely public servants. The public servants should not be allowed to dishonour the verdict of the people which they have given and they have allowed a government to function in the country for the prescribed period. Elections should not allowed to be conducted before the expiry of the tenure.
Here in India we had got a family rule and we tolerated the same though such a rule is totally foreign to a democracy. Then we had got a party dictatorship which is also no allowed in a democracy and then we had been under individual autocracy and we had suffered much. Then the people of India could adopt another idea and they introduced this alliance system, but this alliance system has got so many troubles with us and one day we shall change this concept too because the political parties coming in alliance are not honouring the people of India and their verdict. Once the people have given them an opportunity they must remain in office till the tenure is over and there should be no mid-way breaking away.
Here in India the present government is going down in minority because one party has already withdrawn and some other left groups are threatening to withdraw. This withdrawing system is not allowed under the constitution of India. Once they have joined in the alliance, they must continue in the alliance for full term of five years and they must not be allowed to withdraw. If there is no law, we should enact such a law under which people coming in the alliance must know that their entry had been sanctioned by the people to whom they are serving and they should accept the verdict of the people i.e. the masters and they should remain in alliance till final date of tenure.
Governments are elected by the people and only then they are allowed to have seats in the houses and they should not be allowed to leave the house at their own sweet will. They are public servants and they have occupied these seats of power and till the people desire they should remain serving the people and till the next date of elections. They must work because when these threats are there, the government functioning stops and people who are the masters suffer because of mischief of some members in the house. They must serve because they were elected, appointed and given wages for their work and they have got no will of their own.
People of India and that of the world must examine this question because such situations are also there in other countries and India is not an exception. Therefore, the people must come forward and tell the people in the houses that they are not having any independence. Once they are in and the people have given them recognition, they should obey the orders of the masters and they should wait till the next general election.
The people in the houses must know that elections in India is not an easy task. Huge amounts are spent on elections and if we go deep so many people are killed in each elections. And the people also suffer because the election process in India is cumbersome and costly. We have to spare time, money, energy and all that we have to hear much about the people who are standing in elections. No one should be allowed to waste time of the people and the public servants must behave like servants and they should be allowed to function as masters of the country.