Pets & Animal Domestic & Farm Animals

Hatching Chicken Eggs

Have you ever considered investing in the art of chicken farming? Whether it is for meat, eggs, or breeding for farming supply stores.
One of the important concepts to consider before investing in the responsibility of breeding chickens is to understand what you need to hatch chicken eggs on a steady professional level.
What costs are involved in hatching chicken eggs? Does it pay off in the end? When breeding and hatching chickens, most of the actual costs are physical and time consuming, and not financial.
The only for sure financial costs involved in breeding and hatching chickens are incubation machines, feed, housing, and medical aid.
Why is an incubator vital in breeding chickens if the mother hens can sit on the eggs? When it comes to egg incubation naturally yes the mother hen will hatch the eggs, and in some cases this is an acceptable way to go about breeding chickens, but only in small numbers.
When breeding large scales of chickens, you need a backup plan if the mother hen is not capable of carrying out the incubation process.
Why do breeders need a backup incubation plan? When it comes to breeding livestock, there are many key concepts which could stand in the way and falter your overall success, but when it comes to buying all of the animals for such large scale numbers of eggs, these risks are not affordable.
You will be faced with mother hens being unwilling to incubate her eggs, hens getting stressed out from not being able to hatch unfertile eggs which could lead to illness.
On open farms, even with fences, and electric protection you will also be faced with predators seeking out your own livestock, sometimes these incidents can take out your entire hen house, in such a case if you were keeping your eggs in a separate indoor incubator, you would be able to start back over again without paying anything to purchase more livestock.
In the end using your own incubator you can keep track of hundreds to thousands of eggs without the risks of bad weather, predators, chickens eating their eggs, chickens not egg sitting, and much more.

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