Technology Software

Software Product Maintenance: Need for Better and Stronger Product!

Since everyone, from big corporate houses to common people like you and us, is running short of time, it becomes critical to maintain an already developed product.
It's all the more important task when we talk about software product maintenance.
As there exist large number of possibilities of bugs creeping in a software product, which has already been released into the market, it's vital to maintain the quality of the software product.
It's then that the concept of software maintenance comes into the picture.
Product release is only the first step in the ladder of product development cycle.
It's succeeded by extensive maintenance and upgrade cycle.
Since a released product calls for regular upgrades and incorporation of changes as per the users' feedback for enhanced usability, features and user friendliness, maintenance holds profound significance.
As many organizations find product development a mundane task and an extra baggage in their journey of core product development, they generally associate with third-party software vendors/ software maintenance companies for their maintenance.
To highlight you more on the need of software maintenance, let us take you through the need for product maintenance.
It's required to: Rectify incidental flaws Rectify design errors Enhance the design Make product enhancements Switch legacy systems Maintaining control over system modification For those of you, who know less about software maintenance, it can be broadly categorized into following heads: Corrective Maintenance: For rectification of incidental, discovered problems.
Adaptive Maintenance: Changes done to the product to keep it more usable in a dynamic environment.
Perfective Maintenance: For carrying out functional modifications to enhance product performance.
Preventive Maintenance: Changes done to detect and rectify the latent faults.
Next is the important issue of the key benefits of maintenance done by third-party software maintenance companies.
These benefits are enumerated as below: Software maintenance lets the In-house team to focus and work on new product lines.
Software product maintenance lessens the total cost to company.
Software product maintenance removes the investment in resources & technologies to maintain the product.
Software product maintenance tends to keep the management overhead to the minimal possible.
Software maintenance ultimately leads to increased customer satisfaction.

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