Homemade Acne Masks
- 1). Boil 1 cup distilled water, then remove the pot from the stove. Add 5 dried bay leaves and allow them to steep until the water is completely cooled.
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Bay leaves are used for cooking and many skin care home remedies.bay leaves image by Chef from Fotolia.com
Pour the bay leaf liquid through a strainer and discard the leaves. - 3). Place 4 tbsp. French clay in a bowl and slowly add the bay leaf liquid to the clay. Stir constantly, until you're no longer able to stir the thick mixture. Manipulate the clay mixture to make sure all ingredients are well mixed.
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Acne facial masks remove oil and dirt that contribute to breakouts.facial mask image by sasha from Fotolia.com
Smooth the bay leaf and French clay acne facial mask onto the skin. Allow the mask to remain on the skin until it becomes dry and starts to crack. The French clay will draw impurities and toxins out of the skin while removing oils and giving you a healthy-looking complexion, says the Pioneer Thinking website. - 5). Wet a clean washcloth with warm water and wipe the dried facial mask off the skin. Splash lukewarm water over the face to make sure all traces of the mask are removed, then pat the skin dry.
- 1). Chop one whole, fresh tomato and place it in a food processor. Tomato and tomato products such as tomato sauce or juice help shrink large pores and tighten the skin.
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Oatmeal is known to soothe the skin.m??sli image by Connfetti from Fotolia.com
Add 1 tbsp. instant oatmeal and 1 tsp. lemon juice to the food processor and puree the mixture until it forms a paste. Oatmeal soothes the skin, cleanses excess oils and helps reduce blemishes and breakouts. - 3). Apply the tomato-oatmeal facial mask to the skin and leave it on for 10 minutes, according to the Natural Home Remedies website.
- 4). Rinse the facial mask off the skin with lukewarm water, then pat dry.