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Commitment, It"s Just Human Nature

Commitment, what is it? It is making a promise to yourself, trusting in your choices, believing in you, and following through! What ever it is in your life that you commit to, make sure that it is very important to you, or you will break that commitment.
It is just human nature.
Someone that is committed will go through the storm to get to their goal.
If they are not committed, the rain will stop them or any other little obstacle that may come their way.
Before you commit to anything, be sure that you are committed to yourself.
Being committed to yourself means you are determined to build the life you want.
You are willing to do what ever needs to be done to get healthy, be successful, and to be comfortable in life.
This is very important.
Take a good long hard look at yourself, and know where you are now and where you want to go.
This applies to all areas of your life.
It could be getting a job, getting married, working for yourself, or as simple as going on a trip.
You must believe that you can get there without the slightest bit of doubt to pull you off track.
To stay committed you will have to put your blinders on and stay with it, your destination is straight ahead, but only if you stay focused on your promise.
It is a choice, the choice you chose to commit yourself to no matter what.
You will never make it to your destination if you change paths often.
You must be willing to, go over, go under, go around and through the rocks.
Remember, a commitment is a promise you made to yourself.
Before you make a promise to yourself, search your heart, really think about it, and make sure you are committed and willing to stick with it till you reach your goal.
Now the commitment has been made, the promise is there, now what? Now you have to line up your actions with that promise, and stay away from all actions that will steer you away from that promise.
There will be many temptations along the path to your goal.
Write them down, and ask yourself are these temptations worth taking me away from my promise to myself.
Often they are not, but sometimes they are.
If you find a commitment you have to end do so with honor.
I wish you much success along your journey.

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