Methods for Growing Taller
- Good posture as well as limber ligaments can increase your height. By doing exercises such as stretching, yoga and swimming, you can increase your height by up to three inches, permanently. All these activities relax muscles, keeping them from getting to tight, and allow for stretching and growth.
- You can receive height surgery to increase how tall you are. Doctors can open up your body at points where limbs connect to one another. To increase your height, the surgical team can insert rods into your limbs that can be adjusted regularly. Surgery can bring an extra one to two inches of height. The draw back is that this type of surgery can be extremely painful, uncomfortable and has a high risk of infection.
- There are a variety of height promoting drugs out there on the market. The pills promise some rather mighty height gains, although many fail to provide actual scientific back up or case studies to prove their effectiveness. If the drugs promise growth by providing you hormones, check to see what the health risks are. As always, check with your doctor before beginning any sort of drug treatment.