Society & Culture & Entertainment Philosophy

The Reality of Rational Consciousness and the Connection it Has to the Profit Motive

In life, anyone with rational sentient consciousness wants to profit from their lives in the ways they as conscious sentient people know best.
The connection rational consciousness has to the profit motive is fully connected as shown by this article, and, by life in general for anyone who lives productively and honestly.
Despite what is told to us by most established philosophies, governments and religions, rational consciousness and the profit motive are fully intertwined in a total and pure way.
This is the reality of the situation.
Reality never changes arbitrarily in any way.
It can only genuinely be changed by movement or consciousness.
That movement or consciousness either profits or drains reality without any other alternatives other than profit or drain.
If rational consciousness did not connect to reality and the profit motive in this way, there would be no rational existence as a whole or even the rational aspect of growth in any way.
Without growth in any direction, there would be no change or even movement.
So, the profit or loss motive is intertwined throughout all of reality as a whole.
Not only as consciousness, but as an unconsciously moving structure factor, like a river that swells or a mountain that builds over millions of years, rock by rock that moves into its structure.
What gains, gains more.
What loses, loses more.
Change can only work in either of those two ways, gain or loss.
Nothing is stationary.
Nothing stays the same.
Conscious or unconscious, subjective or objective: time moves forward and profits itself.
Gaining positively is the profit motive at its best in every genuine way.
For beneficial gain is the nature of what is genuinely desired even by "those who want to lose".
Indeed, everyone wants an outcome that benefits them or "says yes" to them, even when they desire to hurt themselves, and especially when they desire to benefit themselves.
No matter what, consciousness wants what it can gain or profit from at a very deep level.
Profit is strength, loss is weakness.
Profit is not just synonymous or symbolic of strength, and loss is not just synonymous or symbolic of weakness.
They are actualities at very deep and shallow levels, if not in fact, every level that exists in reality and in thought or "fantasy".
Let us touch on the subject of "fantasy" for a moment: Fantasy is simply that thought which has not been realized on a "higher", more realistic plane of reality.
Oh, it is still real, but it is a potentiality as opposed to a realization.
Yes, a thought is real though.
Indeed, all things being equal, everything starts out as a thought and ends as a reality somehow or what can be thought of can exist.
Sure, back to the profit motive and its connection to rational sentient consciousness: Everything wants to realize itself.
If it did not, it would go against its own nature, conscious or unconscious.
Nothing, no matter how hard it could or does try, can genuinely go against its own nature or natural intentions.

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