Home & Garden Personal Safety & Security

Are You Safe In Your Own Home?

Right across America the number of burglaries is increasing every year.
Many of these burglaries are the result of youth stealing whatever they can to sell for the purchase of drugs.
It is estimated that approximately 85% of the crimes committed today are the result of this ever increasing drug trade.
Here are just a few of the disturbing facts about this increasing problem of home invasion.
  • There is an alarming burglary every 14.
    6 seconds in the United States.
  • This may come as a surprise but most burglaries don't occur at night but take place between 10 AM and 3 PM.
  • More than 65% of all burglaries are residential.
  • While most home burglaries occur in the daytime, most commercial burglaries occur at night.
  • The average burglar doesn't stay in the burglarized home more than eight to twelve minutes.
  • More burglars are committed by male teens who live within two miles of the home they burglarize.
  • The first place most home burglars check is the master bedroom.
    This is where the majority of home owners store their valuables.
  • The favourite items stolen by burglars are; cash, jewelry,electronics,silver, guns and any other items they think they can turn into ready cash.
    Most don't want the items they steal but want the cash they can get from their sale to purchase drugs, etc.
  • The average monetary value of the items stolen in the typical home burglary is $1725.
How do burglars break into your home?
  • A surprising 34% go right in by the front door
  • 23% will enter through a first floor window
  • 22% get in via the back door
  • 9% enter through the garage
  • 6% go through an unlocked entrance into a storage area
  • 4% will enter through the basement
What can you do to protect your home? First of all, you should never confront a burglar.
Your life or the lives of your family members are worth a lot more than what these thieves can steal.
As I said, the majority of these burglars are male teens just after money to support their drug and booze addictions.
It may be a hard fact to understand, but it is a fact indeed.
  • Keep your doors and windows locked, day and night.
    Remember most burglaries happen in the daytime.
    Especially check your garage doors, back doors and any storage sheds, etc.
  • Don't leave purses and other valuables out in the open where a potential burglar may spot them through an open window shade.
  • Don't store your valuables in the Master Bedroom, which is the first place they look.
  • Get a good, reliable security system.
  • Statistics show that a home is three times more likely to be broken into if it does not have a security system than one that has a good system.
Above all else be safe.
Unfortunately there are many people out there that would love to take from you the things that you have worked so hard to purchase.

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