Society & Culture & Entertainment Writing

Forming a Strategy to Market Your Book

Before you even begin writing your book you need to start forming a strategy to market your book - a book marketing plan.
Writing a book is a large investment of time, energy, effort and money, and so it's critical that you don't set out on this path without a good plan.
Planning is Essential in Your Strategy to Market Your Book Before you even begin putting together the details of your marketing plan, you will have to give careful thought to a number of important factors.
For instance, you need to determine what your book is about, who your potential readers are, what other books are available that are similar to yours or different than your own.
This essentially defines your target market.
Once you have defined your market, you need to make sure that your book addresses what your audience is most concerned about or interested in.
Put together an outline of your chapters and make sure that the direction of your book holds true to what your audience wants.
With this more clearly spelled out, you can start mapping out strategies for marketing your book.
Having a book marketing plan will aid you in writing a much better book before you even begin writing.
The choices you make when determining how to market and promote your book will ultimately determine the success of your newly published book.
Strategic Marketing and Promotional Planning You have done all the work of researching, taking notes, writing the outlines and rough drafts to finally complete your book.
Forming a strategy to market your book includes marketing, publicizing and promoting it.
You may consider various options; here are a few that are helpful.
- When you want to attract as much media attention as possible, you need to write an engaging and informative press release.
Remember to optimize your press release as you write it, to fit your particular needs of niche, genre or targeted market.
Then send your press release to the various broadcasting and print media for release to the public.
Consider sending your press release to any local newspaper for inclusion in that paper, as well as possible interviews for the newspaper.
- Accumulate a large mailing list of your targeted market in order to make them aware of your book, as well as any backend products you may wish to convert into sales.
- In this day and age it is a wise investment of time, effort and money to build your own website or blog featuring your book.
Remember to title your site or blog using your book title as its name, so that it is easy to locate while searching online.
Include rich keywords and keyword phrases to entice the search engines, as well as anyone surfing the Internet trying to find your book for purchase.
If you cannot build the site yourself, hire someone to do it for you.
There are many other means to consider while forming your book marketing plan.
Take it one step at a time for book planning, and you are sure to find success!

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