Taking landscape pictures may seem easy compared to the headaches of photographing animals or children, however it does have its challenges. Find out how you can take better landscape pictures by putting some of these tips to use right away. If you have always wished you could take beautiful landscape pictures then this article is for you.

Focus On the Detail

With landscape photography it's all about the details. Anytime you can capture more detail in your picture, it's going to look better. If possible, try to use the highest F stop number (22 on most cameras) because you'll get the greatest amount of detail and depth of field with a longer exposure time. This will let in more light into the camera and give you more options for exposing the film. If you want to use a slower ISO film (around 100) this will also pull in more detail but be careful as slow films may not be the best for all lighting situations.

Hold 'em Steady

While slower shutter speeds will add to your detail and depth of field, lengthening the exposure time has its own risks. Even the most steady-handed of photographers begin to run the risk of hand "shake" blur at a shutter speed of about 125, so skip this headache altogether and mount your camera on a tripod, sandbag, or flat rock. If you're using the bulb setting on your camera or a super slow shutter speed you may also want to consider getting a cable release. A cable release will help prevent you from causing camera blur when you go to press the shutter button.

Find a Focal Point

Picture an empty room with no windows- pretty boring isn't it? Just like any other picture, you need a subject in your landscape picture to make it interesting. No matter what type of landscape you're photographing, check that you're image and focal point are properly framed. Just because you aim your camera at a beautiful mountain, it doesn't mean you're going to automatically get a great picture. Think of the "story" of each photograph, and try to tell it in the frame.

Always Have Your Camera Ready

Unfortunately, as a landscape photographer, you don't have the option of scheduling the perfect shot or creating the perfect lighting when you want it. You have to be able to work with factors outside of your control and take advantage of them on a moments notice. Images taken near dusk look very different than those taken early in the morning and incredible weather shots won't stick around until you get the perfect lighting. If you want to take incredible landscape photographs, it's a good idea to keep your gear bag packed by the door in case something interesting starts happening outside.

Be Patient

Though it seems almost the opposite of being ready to run out the door at a moment's notice, understand that landscape photography can require an immense amount of patience. Every fascinating picture captured by a landscape photographer's lens, will often never be seen the same way again so you often have to be willing to wait it out.

That's why landscape photography is surprisingly complex. You would think that all a landscape photographer would need is some beautiful scenery and a good camera, however there is more to it than that. A good landscape photographer needs the proper equipment, cooperative weather, a patient mindset and a solid understanding of how to properly compose the image so everything comes together beautifully. With just those few items, you'll have everything you need to begin taking quality landscape photographs.

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