Insurance Insurance

Why Buy Life Insurance When You Are Young?

If I were to tell you that purchasing life insurance when you are young had something to do with a marble, would you believe me? How about a softball if you wait until you are older? Sounds silly, right? Wrong! Read on to learn more.
Imagine if you will that I hand you a marble and ask you to stick it in your pocket.
How hard would it be for you to get the marble in your pocket? How far would you have to stretch your pocket to get it in? Would you notice that it was there? How uncomfortable would it be to carry around in your pocket for the rest of your life.
Could you do it? Now let's do the same thing with a tennis ball.
How hard would it be to stick in your pocket as compared to the marble? How far would you have to stretch your pocket to make it fit? Once it was in, would you notice that it was there? How uncomfortable would it be to carry a tennis ball around in your pocket for the rest of your life? Could you do it? Finally, lets imagine the same scenario with a softball.
How easily would it slide into your pocket, compared to the marble and the tennis ball? Is your pocket able to be stretched far enough for it to fit? If you did get it in, would you notice that it was there? Would it be possible to carry it around for the rest of your life? The moral of the story is this; purchase life insurance while you are young and healthy, when the premium will be the size of a marble.
It will be able to affordable and easy to get used to.
The longer you wait, the older and unhealthy you will become.
At some point, like the softball, the premium will be too big and too uncomfortable to deal with.

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