Health & Medical Acne

Home Remedies for Pimples

If you are suffering from pimples and want to get rid of by any means then you may be overlooking several remedies right there in your own home. Home remedies for pimples are very successful at getting rid of the blemishes and redness that comes with pimples and can have your skin looking clearer in no time. Here are some home remedies for pimples.

1. Face steaming.

Face steaming opens pores and after the steaming you need to wash your face with some type of mild soap. Once you have done this wash your face again with cold water to close the pores and prevent dirty from clogging them.

2.  Homemade face masks.

There are  probably hundreds of acne face masks on the market today but there are also ways that you can make your own face masks at home from several different fruits and other ingredients.

You can crush aspirin and mix it with honey or water to make a paste to dry your pimples up.

You can mix salt with water and let it still for about half an hour and apply it to the pimples. The salt will do all the work, water is just to give it the paste like form.

You can make mask from egg whites, yogurt, onions, oatmeal and even baking soda.

3. Water.

Water is another home remedy for pimples. We all know that we should drink at least eight glasses of water a day but many people don't do this. If your not drinking enough water and are constantly have pimples try drinking more water. Water is not only good for you skin but for your entire body. It is very important for other reasons besides curing and preventing pimples.

These are a few simple and easy home remedies for pimples and I hop they help you.

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