Making Money Quick by Building Your Millionaire Mind
Real millionaires are always self-made in one way or another.
Few of them start out with that kind of money in their pockets and, those few who do, usually lose it all.
This means that almost any one of us can come from nothing and achieve great wealth.
If you think there's a catch that's because there is one.
You have to stop thinking like you and start thinking like a millionaire.
To do that you will need to look at how your brain works on an entirely different level.
As T.
Harv Eker, author of Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, has explained we all have a set of mental blueprints that establish our comfort zone on a multitude of things -- weight and wealth among them.
As long as we stay within range, everything seems okay.
However, when we get too far above or beyond that zone our mind reins us back in.
Weight may yo-yo up or down; with respect to money, we see that most big lottery winners end up as broke as they were before.
Even the children of the wealthy tend to lose fortunes rather than make them.
The good news is that those blueprints are not genetically determined like eye color and hair.
Rather, they were laid out based on the things we were taught as children.
So, if we'd like, we can change them.
Eker uses the simple analogy of an office to explain why and how to do that.
Every preconceived notion is a file, the contents of which are or are not supportive of success.
Shred or throw out those that don't work for you, even though they will try to recycle themselves every once in a while.
Then there will be room for your new way of thinking.
Remember, the millionaire mind sees things differently and knows how to put a positive spin on just about anything.
Here are some of the critical ways in which that mind is different then ours.
Rich People Appreciate Others' Successes Rich people don't hate themselves nor do they hate and resent other rich people.
Instead, they learn from other wealthy people, they bless them and wish them all the best.
This new approach takes a lot of practice but remember there is nothing filthy about being rich; it is as easy to fall in love with a rich person as a poor one and rich people can be nice too.
Rich People Are Grateful Rich people are grateful for everything they go through; if nothing else it's a learning experience.
Likewise, rich people are open to getting better at things.
They understand that correction is a natural process and they encourage it in themselves.
The problem with poor mentalities is that they think they already know everything they ever will.
Wealthy People Know That They Can Have It All The millionaire mind knows that it can have it all and that it deserves to.
While the wealthy would still choose love over money they believe that decision doesn't have to be made.
And they're right.
Wealthy People Know That They Must Take Risks Wealthy people also know that getting rich isn't easy and it isn't about feeling comfortable.
It is about walking through fear, taking risks, seeing opportunities and seizing them and, if necessary, picking themselves up and starting over.
Wealthy People Have Money Work For Them In addition to working hard, the rich also have their money work for them.
Additionally, successful people think that money and the things it buys are important and know its okay to feel that way.
It doesn't make you a bad person.
Wealthy People Cherish Luck and thereby Attract More Lastly, when something good happens, the poor mind says its just luck and it usually never happens to me.
The millionaire mind appreciates the luck and rolls with it, thereby attracting more good luck.
Few of them start out with that kind of money in their pockets and, those few who do, usually lose it all.
This means that almost any one of us can come from nothing and achieve great wealth.
If you think there's a catch that's because there is one.
You have to stop thinking like you and start thinking like a millionaire.
To do that you will need to look at how your brain works on an entirely different level.
As T.
Harv Eker, author of Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, has explained we all have a set of mental blueprints that establish our comfort zone on a multitude of things -- weight and wealth among them.
As long as we stay within range, everything seems okay.
However, when we get too far above or beyond that zone our mind reins us back in.
Weight may yo-yo up or down; with respect to money, we see that most big lottery winners end up as broke as they were before.
Even the children of the wealthy tend to lose fortunes rather than make them.
The good news is that those blueprints are not genetically determined like eye color and hair.
Rather, they were laid out based on the things we were taught as children.
So, if we'd like, we can change them.
Eker uses the simple analogy of an office to explain why and how to do that.
Every preconceived notion is a file, the contents of which are or are not supportive of success.
Shred or throw out those that don't work for you, even though they will try to recycle themselves every once in a while.
Then there will be room for your new way of thinking.
Remember, the millionaire mind sees things differently and knows how to put a positive spin on just about anything.
Here are some of the critical ways in which that mind is different then ours.
Rich People Appreciate Others' Successes Rich people don't hate themselves nor do they hate and resent other rich people.
Instead, they learn from other wealthy people, they bless them and wish them all the best.
This new approach takes a lot of practice but remember there is nothing filthy about being rich; it is as easy to fall in love with a rich person as a poor one and rich people can be nice too.
Rich People Are Grateful Rich people are grateful for everything they go through; if nothing else it's a learning experience.
Likewise, rich people are open to getting better at things.
They understand that correction is a natural process and they encourage it in themselves.
The problem with poor mentalities is that they think they already know everything they ever will.
Wealthy People Know That They Can Have It All The millionaire mind knows that it can have it all and that it deserves to.
While the wealthy would still choose love over money they believe that decision doesn't have to be made.
And they're right.
Wealthy People Know That They Must Take Risks Wealthy people also know that getting rich isn't easy and it isn't about feeling comfortable.
It is about walking through fear, taking risks, seeing opportunities and seizing them and, if necessary, picking themselves up and starting over.
Wealthy People Have Money Work For Them In addition to working hard, the rich also have their money work for them.
Additionally, successful people think that money and the things it buys are important and know its okay to feel that way.
It doesn't make you a bad person.
Wealthy People Cherish Luck and thereby Attract More Lastly, when something good happens, the poor mind says its just luck and it usually never happens to me.
The millionaire mind appreciates the luck and rolls with it, thereby attracting more good luck.