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Various Type So Bearded Dragons

It is said that bearded lizards have their local resident in Australia. It is the only continent and the only country that provides with a great variety of dragons. Different species, variations in breeds is easily offered in the continent.
Not just one, but all the species of bearded dragons are well like and popular due to their quiet nature, ease of handling it, and the most beneficial their small size. If compared to any other reptiles, these bearded lizards demand for a small space to live in comfortably and adding to this can be easily handled by both adults and children. There are near about 8 different kinds of species available and few are discussed below. Remember these are the species that one can keep as a pet at his place.
The Western Bearded Dragon
These species of dragons are mainly found in the southwest coast and inland areas of western parts of the country. These mainly live in woodland areas, coastal dunes and can live in deserts as well.
The domestic Bearded Dragon
These species are largest in all species and grow near about 20 cm in size. Not just found in state is easily found in every territory of the country expect for the western coastal part. The domestic bearded dragon is termed to be the most admired variety of reptilian pet.
The Mitchells Bearded Dragon
This bearded dragon is found in the interior of the northern territory of the country and adding to this even originate in the western part in the sandy desert. It is the smallest species and grows near about 14 cm in size. The distinguished factor of this dragon is its large cone head spikes which are poles apart from all the other dragons. Thus, Mitchells bearded dragon is the smallest and easily found dragon.
The Dwarf Bearded Dragon
The dwarf-bearded dragon, well thought-out to be personally associated to the Mitchell kind, is mainly originated in the Great Sandy Desert. The dwarf dragon is with no trouble Identifiable because of its little legs, and tiny tail.
Lawsons Bearded Dragon
The Lawsons bearded dragon is the subsequent mainly all the rage pet type. This species resides in most of Queensland, and some of the Northern Territory, but the area they occupy is still unknown to all.
The Nullabor Bearded Dragon
The Nullabor bearded dragon is a very exceptional kind bring into being only in a diminutive region between the South Western, and South Australia. The Nullabor bearded dragon is easily identifiable by its imprints, with hefty white markings by the side of its back, and spines on its sides. However, bearded dragon is the slightest expected of all of the bearded dragons to be kept back as pets, as they are tough to locate in the untamed, and have been known to be very tricky to variety in confinement.
Thus, these are some of the species which one could keep if he is a big animal lover, especially when it comes to bearded lizards. Slot in the one whom you think can easily take care of and provide with suitable custody.

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