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Very Sociable Bengalese Finches

Bengalese finches are descended from the Sharptail Manakin and the Asian Striated, being created by Japanese breeders many centuries ago. This is what makes them unique; they are 100% man-make and have been domesticated over time.

They are 11-12cm in length and come in chocolate and white, pure white, and fawn and white. Some are also tri-coloured, crested forms developed over seventy years ago.

The temperament of Bengalese finches makes them one of the easiest birds to take care of. They need a lot of space so make sure you take this into account when purchasing a cage or building an aviary.

Provide them with a bath house attached to the outside of the cage or put a dish about one inch deep in the cage with half an inch of water inside, they will love it.

All illnesses are linked to bad diet, a dirty cage and not enough space, so supply them with fresh food and water regularly.

Canary seeds and other seed mixes are available at most pet stores, finches also like the larger millets in parakeet seed mixes. Provide them with green foods or chickweed and spinach in separate cups.

Grit with charcoal contains minerals and trace elements that aid in digestion; this can be put in cups or sprinkled on the floor of the cage.

Calcium should be supplied regularly in the form of crushed eggshells, oyster shells or cuttlebone. Cuttlebone provides strong beaks and eggshells when breeding prevent egg binding in females.

Cuttlebone also contains lime which helps with digestion. You can treat your finch with seeds mixed with honey and fruits such as apples and pears.

Trimming their nails is one of the most important jobs for any finch owner. Just make sure you don't clip the vain on its foot because it could bleed to death. Bird nail trimmers and powder to stop bleeding are available at most pet stores.

Bengalese finches are known as ‘Society finch' in the US. The name fits perfectly because they are one of the most social breeds. For this reason keep them in groups but don't let their sociable nature get in the way of the breeding of other birds.

If there is one nest box these finches will try to pack as many into it which will get in the way of healthy breeding, they will only stop when they literally cannot fit anymore in the box. Too many eggs will go unattended and may not hatch.

You can raise a single pair, trios or quads; however it is recommended you use a single pair just for the sake of accuracy. Bengalese finches feed their young but it is usually quite meagre so it's a good idea to takeover. Supply the young with a lot of protein.

Bengalese finches are very energetic but never aggressive which makes them the perfect breed for the beginner or experienced bird enthusiast. They are a completely domestic breed and have gotten the name ‘Society finch' due their wonderful personality; a very popular breed indeed.


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