Business & Finance Renting & Real Estate

Need A Rental Property? Things To Look For

With the recent upheavals in Canterbury, there is more demand than ever for a good rental property in Christchurch and especially Lyttelton.
Many people are choosing to move to a place they feel a little safer and secure, and are looking for a place where they can settle.
There are many areas to choose from so it's a good idea to use a professional to help match you up with that perfect place.
Often the very best places are gone before they are advertised, so building up a good relationship with a real estate agent can help you find the place that will be your new home.
The harbour has fared extremely well in the earthquake and aftershocks.
It's more important than ever to do a thorough check of the building and land you are planning to rent, to see if it's a place that is not only safe, but meets your needs.
While the landlord is in charge of providing you with a safe place to live, it's important to make sure any mends or problems are sorted before you move into the place.
An inspection with an agent helps you go over the common areas, and can help you make up your mind about the place.
It gives you a little more protection as the agent can act as your advocate if there are any issues.
A rental property in Lyttelton, the harbour and Christchurch has been bought as an investment for the owner.
This means that they want it to be well looked after by you, but they also know they have a responsibility to look after it as well, as it is a large investment for them.
So what should you look for in a place? Besides obvious structural safety, there are several little factors that can make your time in a new home better.
Check to see if the place has good power points.
While you are there, ask the agent about the wiring.
Find out if it's been checked recently.
It's a good idea to also check light fittings.
Will it come with any white ware? A stove/oven is common, but some places will also offer a fridge or a washing machine.
Is this the case in this instance? Occasionally there may be a few items that the owner prefers to keep in the house.
Will the place be partly or fully furnished at all? Take a look at all the soft furnishings including curtains, carpet and also the paintwork.
If you hate them, can you replace them at all? If you don't mind, then that's fine! Finding a rental property in Lyttelton, the harbour or Christchurch may have got a little more complex in the last few months, but it doesn't mean you can't find a great place with an expert's help.

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