Health & Medical Depression

Depression Help - Getting Off Drugs

In today's society, millions of people are being prescribed anti depressant drugs by their medical doctors.
  They arent even seeing a therapist or psychiatrist, and they receive no talk therapy.
  Too often this is a prescription for life long drug dependence.
  This may be completely unnecessary.
To get help for depression, do you really need to take drugs?  This is a good question to ask, because drugs have side effects, so you want to approach them carefully.
The answer is not simple, because depression is not simple.
  There are several forms of depression, and varying degrees as well.
  A few types of depression may only be treatable with drugs.
   Your doctor would know.
But for most depression symptoms, you may not need drugs at all.
  Or, if you do need drugs, you won't need them for very long - six months at most.
  If you see your medical doctor and do get prescribed antidepressants, ask how long you will likely need them.
  If they say longer than six months, be sure to get a second opinion from a therapist.
If you are taking antidepressants and want to get off of them, one thing you can do is to make sure you are getting talk therapy along with the drugs.
  Most depression symptoms are significantly reduced by simple talk therapy.
Antidepressants can have serious side effects, like weight gain, problems with sleep, and depressed sex drive.
  Because of these, you definitely want to avoid lifelong dependence on them if you can.
You can reduce the time you are on antidepressants either by talk therapy, and or alternative natural remedies.
  Employing these it shouldn't take long to start feeling much better about yourself.
There are some natural approaches to healing most kinds of depression from home, without drugs or psychotherapy that involve nutritional support and self talk techniques.

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