Society & Culture & Entertainment Writing

Writing Tips From the Pros - 1 Word You Want to Eliminate

As a professional writer, I often have the privilege of working with truly talented people.
And it is even more fun when their talents are in areas different than my own talents.
Such was the case a few weeks ago when my writing group was critiquing the work of a young author.
I belong to an outstanding writer's group consisting of both highly experienced professional authors and small number of young and eager novices serious about developing their craft.
Recently, several of us were sitting around a conference table reading a sample chapter from an upcoming novel.
The writing was actually very good (which is more rare than you might think), yet there was *something* not quite right about it.
It just didn't read like the work of a professional.
Now, here's where it is great to work with other talented people.
While I was able to immediately recognize that something was not quite write, I could not say exactly what it was.
Happily, another author in the group was able to immediately diagnose and solve the issue.
"You shouldn't use the word 'would,'" she said simply.
"You should take that out.
" She was correct.
The author used the word "would" in the text.
For example, one sentence was similar to this: "Debbie would often eat while she read the paper.
" It's not a terrible sentence, but the word "would" makes it weak.
Watch what happens when we simply remove the word.
"Debbie often ate as she read the paper.
" Much stronger, yes? You'll also note that we had to change the word "eat" (present tense) to the word "ate" (past tense).
This is perfectly logical since we are talking about behavior that happened in the past.
Now, there are more technical, grammatical reasons why the second sentence is superior to the first sentence.
I am sure a few of you English majors out there could quickly put a name on it and explain in painful detail that "would" is a modal verb to be followed by an infinitive, etc.
But I am going to go out on a limb and predict that most of the people reading this article probably don't care.
If you are in a dark room, would you rather learn the history of electricity, or turn on a light? So for those of use that just want to turn on the light, let me boil down this tip down to its essence.
The word "would" should be removed whenever possible to maintain consistent tense.
Here is an exercise for you to try: Take a look at your own writing and search for the word "would.
" Every time you see it, read the sentence out loud.
Determine if you can (as in the example about) rewrite the sentence without using "would.
" Your writing will be stronger for it.

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