Why Natural Cures For Bacterial Vaginosis Are Better Than Antibiotics
Natural cures for bacterial vaginosis are the best option for treating this condition despite the fact that some women are initially skeptical of rejecting conventional treatments.
Unfortunately, once a woman develops BV, there is a high likelihood of repeat attacks-indeed over 70% of women who take antibiotics will have repeated attacks beginning in as little as a few weeks after finishing their course of treatment.
When we develop any new form of medical condition which we don't know how to cure ourselves, most of us will visit our doctor for advice and the likely outcome is a prescription for antibiotics.
Now although these might initially seem like a good solution (and there is no doubt that they can give symptomatic relief!) it is highly unlikely that they are the best option.
However, for a doctor faced with a patient needing a fast solution to a pretty embarrassing problem, they are a quick-fix for a doctor to give out, who has a very limited amount of time to spend with each patient.
The cause of BV is a bacterial imbalance within the vagina.
Usually, the different species of bacteria survive together without any problems, with the beneficial bacteria keeping control of any bad bacteria which might be introduced into the vagina.
The levels of bacteria within the vagina are, to a great extent, self-regulating and it is only when the bad bacteria grows out of control that we need to intervene.
There are various reasons why this imbalance of bacteria might occur and when it does, you will typically experience symptoms including a foul, fishy smelling discharge, and itching and soreness of the delicate tissues around the vagina.
Natural cures for bacterial vaginosis work in a completely different way to antibiotics.
When antibiotics are given, all the bacteria within the vagina is eliminated-both good and bad.
Now although this will take away the symptoms of bacterial vaginosis within two or three days, once the course is finished and bacteria naturally repopulates the vagina, there is a high likelihood that whatever has caused the imbalance in the vagina is still present in the body and the whole cycle begins again.
Rather than concentrating only on killing off the harmful bacteria, good natural cures for bacterial vaginosis work in a multifaceted way to also naturally enhance the levels of beneficial bacteria which will then kill off the harmful bacteria without any other intervention, just as nature intended.
The best thing about this is that your natural defenses will be strong to ward off any potential future attacks before they even happen.
Although some women might initially be put off, thinking that anything given out by your doctor must be better than natural cures for bacterial vaginosis, let me reassure you.
Antibiotics will begin to work typically after about 3 days, and it may take up to a week before you see any real results.
Natural cures can begin to work within hours and most women find that their symptoms can be completely eradicated within 3 days.
However, don't be fooled into thinking that you can simply throw together any of the natural cures which you may have heard about.
There are various simple treatments which can be used to help to ease the symptoms of bacterial vaginosis.
For example, live Probiotic yogurt is known to be rich in beneficial bacteria, and can certainly help to rebalance the imbalance within the vagina.
Tea tree oil is another good treatment, and can help to kill off harmful bacteria.
The key though, is to use a multifaceted, tried and tested approach which treats every aspect of BV by using methods to kill off harmful bacteria, strengthen your own resources and give symptomatic relief all at the same time and most importantly, by using a combination of natural cures for bacterial vaginosis which are known to work best together.
Although not harmful in its early stages, if bacterial vaginosis is left untreated it can lead to pelvic inflammatory disease and can even render some women infertile.
Therefore, it is always a good idea to treat the condition promptly.
You are particularly at risk if you get repeated attacks.
By treating BV naturally, you can quickly restore balance in the vagina and get back to normal within no time, even if you are a long term sufferer.
Unfortunately, once a woman develops BV, there is a high likelihood of repeat attacks-indeed over 70% of women who take antibiotics will have repeated attacks beginning in as little as a few weeks after finishing their course of treatment.
When we develop any new form of medical condition which we don't know how to cure ourselves, most of us will visit our doctor for advice and the likely outcome is a prescription for antibiotics.
Now although these might initially seem like a good solution (and there is no doubt that they can give symptomatic relief!) it is highly unlikely that they are the best option.
However, for a doctor faced with a patient needing a fast solution to a pretty embarrassing problem, they are a quick-fix for a doctor to give out, who has a very limited amount of time to spend with each patient.
The cause of BV is a bacterial imbalance within the vagina.
Usually, the different species of bacteria survive together without any problems, with the beneficial bacteria keeping control of any bad bacteria which might be introduced into the vagina.
The levels of bacteria within the vagina are, to a great extent, self-regulating and it is only when the bad bacteria grows out of control that we need to intervene.
There are various reasons why this imbalance of bacteria might occur and when it does, you will typically experience symptoms including a foul, fishy smelling discharge, and itching and soreness of the delicate tissues around the vagina.
Natural cures for bacterial vaginosis work in a completely different way to antibiotics.
When antibiotics are given, all the bacteria within the vagina is eliminated-both good and bad.
Now although this will take away the symptoms of bacterial vaginosis within two or three days, once the course is finished and bacteria naturally repopulates the vagina, there is a high likelihood that whatever has caused the imbalance in the vagina is still present in the body and the whole cycle begins again.
Rather than concentrating only on killing off the harmful bacteria, good natural cures for bacterial vaginosis work in a multifaceted way to also naturally enhance the levels of beneficial bacteria which will then kill off the harmful bacteria without any other intervention, just as nature intended.
The best thing about this is that your natural defenses will be strong to ward off any potential future attacks before they even happen.
Although some women might initially be put off, thinking that anything given out by your doctor must be better than natural cures for bacterial vaginosis, let me reassure you.
Antibiotics will begin to work typically after about 3 days, and it may take up to a week before you see any real results.
Natural cures can begin to work within hours and most women find that their symptoms can be completely eradicated within 3 days.
However, don't be fooled into thinking that you can simply throw together any of the natural cures which you may have heard about.
There are various simple treatments which can be used to help to ease the symptoms of bacterial vaginosis.
For example, live Probiotic yogurt is known to be rich in beneficial bacteria, and can certainly help to rebalance the imbalance within the vagina.
Tea tree oil is another good treatment, and can help to kill off harmful bacteria.
The key though, is to use a multifaceted, tried and tested approach which treats every aspect of BV by using methods to kill off harmful bacteria, strengthen your own resources and give symptomatic relief all at the same time and most importantly, by using a combination of natural cures for bacterial vaginosis which are known to work best together.
Although not harmful in its early stages, if bacterial vaginosis is left untreated it can lead to pelvic inflammatory disease and can even render some women infertile.
Therefore, it is always a good idea to treat the condition promptly.
You are particularly at risk if you get repeated attacks.
By treating BV naturally, you can quickly restore balance in the vagina and get back to normal within no time, even if you are a long term sufferer.