How to Start the Conversion to Judaism
- 1). Read books like "Choosing a Jewish Life" by Anita Diamant, "Conversion to Judaism: A Guidebook" by Lawrence J. Epstein and "Choosing Judaism" by Lydia Kukoff to increase your knowledge of the Jewish faith and learn about the obligations and requirements of conversion.
- 2). Visit Jewish websites like Judaism 101, Aish and Converting to Judaism. Online resources such as these contain a variety of articles outlining the basics of the Jewish faith, Jewish history and what it means to be Jewish.
- 3). Look into the various branches of Judaism -- Orthodox, Reform, Conservative and Reconstructionist. Each embraces specific practices and tenets of Judaism. Determine which one fits your beliefs best.
- 4). Locate a synagogue in your area and attend services. Contact the rabbi beforehand to determine what you need to know before attending, for example, whether or not a head covering is required, to what extent you can participate in the service and when to sit and stand.
- 5). Contact a local rabbi to express your interest in conversion. You can choose the rabbi at the synagogue you've attended, contact a local Jewish organization or ask Jews you are acquainted with for a recommendation.