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Identifying Business Opportunities

Identifying Business Opportunities is normally the first stumbling block for any entrepreneur or work from home newbie.
If you're a seasoned professional who has done it all before but are looking for the next big thing or the stay at home mum who wants to make extra money then I have found something that can be the answer you have been looking for.
When identifying business opportunities in today's recession hit world...
is the best time to make money because there are hundreds of thousands of people wanting to do the same as you...
make money online.
If you can find a way to sell something to these hungry people then you're onto a winner...
Something I learned last week from Dave Wood (co-founder of Empower Network) was very obvious, very simple but I had never thought about it the way he told me.
It goes like this...
working harder doesn't = more money...
sure at times you will have to work hard to get your business off the ground but once that's done, you want to enjoy your money, spend more time with your other half and visit beaches all over the world.
You can't do that if your working 18 hour days.
Think about this...
you work really hard for your boss...
who gets the benefit...
Your Boss.
Times are hard for your boss...
he has to lay you off...
where has all your hard work gone.
When identifying business opportunities you want a business where YOU are the boss, you don't have to work 18 hr days and you have a team who work for you.
That's when you visit beaches all over the world.
The problem is that these business opportunities are very rare.
Sure there are thousands splattered all over the internet but how many work, how many deliver what they say they will and how many have you purchased.
I'll let you into a secret, before I became part of Empower Network, I would try all the get rich quick schemes that came out but I would always buy them in confidence because I knew that I would be using their refund policy in 30 or 60 days time.
Just as well as they never worked.
I also use to get warnings from paypal for my cancellation rate.
So back to identifying business opportunities.
Well, I have - Empower Network The reason is simple...
I believe in my new business and my new business is very successful.
You get 100% commission...
yeh that's not a typo...
100%, you get trained from the founders who do walk the talk.
You get trained from the guys who are making $30,000+ a MONTH.
Yes a month and these guys are doing exactly the same thing as you would.

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