Family & Relationships Conflict

Getting Your Ex Back When They Ignore You - Why They Ignore You and What You Can Do About it

As painful as a break up can be, it can be even more painful to try to reach out to your ex, only to have your attempts rebuffed, shrugged away or ignored.
If you are struggling with getting your ex back and they keep ignoring you, look at the possible reasons why they might be ignoring you and follow the plan to getting your ex back.
One reason your ex might ignore you is if you are the cause of the break up.
If your ex is having a hard time forgiving you or getting over their feelings of hurt, you should apologize.
Just make sure you have no expectations and it is a sincere apology.
Another reason your ex might be ignoring you is if they caused the break up or need space.
They may want to reach out to you and feel you won't respond or your ex may fear rejection.
The best thing you can do in this instance is to allow them the space they need and after a few weeks, return their phone call and have a brief conversation.
Take your time slowly rebuilding a foundation for a relationship and the time and space you allowed them to have will make it a lot easier in getting your ex back because you've set out the traps and made them come to you.
A final reason your ex might ignore you is if they are feeling crowded or are busy with life.
Your ex may also be trying to win you back, hoping this tactic will attract you to them.
Examine your actions and emotions.
Try not to be clingy or snoop around.
Instead, enjoy your freedom and space, look at life as a new adventure and know that if you keep contact to a minimum, eventually your ex will realize what they've lost and do whatever is necessary to get you back.

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