Home & Garden Cooking

How to Choose a Buck Stove

A Buck stove is one of the most reliable and respected wood stove brands in the market. Buck stoves come in a variety of sizes and models, with different features to fit all your heating needs.

Here's a list of different types of Buck stove features and designs to help you find the best one for your needs.

Different Types of Buck Stove Models

Buck specialized in producing wood and coal stoves. Some of the most popular Buck models and features include:
  • Catalytic stoves: Catalytic wood stoves are a great way to ensure your wood stove confirms to EPA regulations regarding smoke emissions. Catalytic wood stoves are stoves with a special built-in catalytic device, which is the stovepipe. This device converts the smoke rising from the fire into a secondary source of fuel. The second burning helps reduce the amount of pollutants released into the atmosphere, and also increases the heating power and energy efficiency of your wood stove.

The catalyst is usually located with a special honeycomb metal lattice in the stovepipe. In most models, the catalytic converter starts to work once the fire temperature reaches between 350 and 600 degree Fahrenheit. But the catalyst has a limited lifespan and needs to be replaced after a certain amount of time. Most catalytic combustors last for five to six years, though they can go for longer or lesser periods of time depending on the usage and maintenance levels.
  • Non-catalytic stoves – non-catalytic stoves were designed as an answer to the problem of having to regularly replace the catalytic combustors in catalytic wood stoves. Non-catalytic wood stoves use a secondary combustion chamber to process the smoke emissions. Non-catalytic stoves are thus able to reduce the environmental impact of wood burning stoves, in addition to achieving the same heating and energy efficiency levels, without having to use a short-lived catalytic combustor.

The built-in secondary combustion chamber in non-catalytic wood stoves mixes the smoke and fuel particulates present in exhaust gases with preheated fresh air from the primary combustion chamber to re-burn the emissions, which would otherwise have been wasted.
  • Combination coal and wood stoves – combination wood and coal stoves allow you to use both coal and wooden logs. This gives you a greater degree of versatility, especially when it comes to cooking. The wood and coal combo stoves can be used for both heating and cooking purposes, and are a great choice for people who wish to indulge in good old-fashioned country cooking.

Take your time deciding on your Buck stove model to ensure you get the best stove for your needs.

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