Business & Finance Economics

What Can I Do About the Economy?

All this news about the economy is probably making your head spin.
  I know that's what it's doing to mine.
  The question is, "What can we do about it?" First of all, stop watching the news.
  This may sound like doing nothing, but doing nothing never feels like doing something, right?  However, turning off the news might just leave you doing nothing - except maybe thinking about the news, so what can you do? Your thoughts and your imagination are more powerful than you can really conceive.
  When you are thinking about "a down economy" or "the economic downturn" or "the market crash" or "the worst since the Depression," then you are not only contributing to your own misery, but also to the greater Universal consciousness.
  Yep, your thoughts are that powerful.
So, why not use that power for good?  Actively and consciously replace your thoughts with things that you like.
  You have to pay attention to your thoughts to do this, and it takes a little practice to get good at it.
  Start by noticing what is coming into your mind, and what your thoughts are.
  When you think a negative thought like, "Dear me, I hope I don't lose my job," push it out and replace it.
Now, what do you replace it with?  Try things like, "I love vacation" or "My car is awesome!"  If you want something relevant to that negative thought, like the one above, try thinking, "I love my job" or "Work makes me happy!"  It doesn't have to be the exact opposite of the negative thought, but your thoughts should be P&P:  Present and Positive.
  This means use the present tense and a positive tone.
  In other words, it is much more effective to say, "I am confident and relaxed" than, "I am not a worried person.
" Your brain and the universe don't recognize "not or "don't," so saying "I'm not a worried person" doesn't fool anyone and just makes you-more worried! The thought-replacement technique is a great jumping-off point for restoring your sanity in an insane world.
  Oh, and guess what?  It's really not all that insane, and neither are you.
Think it right!

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