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Inexpressible Joy!

There is a joy that is above every human condition, above all bitterness pain or tear, above all suffering and misery, above all human challenge, above all hunger and need, a Joy that's well above ourselves.
There is an inexpressible joy, which is beyond our understanding, which cannot be impregnated by the wickedness or the needs of man, it is invulnerable to selfishness, envy and carnal passions, and is deaf to empty oppositions, and the shouts and quarrels of those who hate us.
There is an immutable joy, an unalterable joy, a joy that, either is yours, or you can get it, and which does not depend on our status, state of mind or mood, because this joy is supernatural and it's a gift.
The joy of which I speak, comes straight out of the coffers of the omnipotent, and it's attached to your designation as a man or woman of God.
But like any gift, this joy is not something you can get and put in a closet, or throw it in a corner to collect dust, like any other gift, it would be useless if you do not have the guts to open it and activate it, without the courage and determination to take possession of it and put it into action is just that, one more of the many gifts from God.
Because this joy, which has already been bound to you if you've made the commitment and surrendered your life to Christ, it's found in the worship you lavish on him, in the sharing and in immersing yourself in Him, in your conversation, fellowship, and closeness to Him, and In the love you pour out on Him and through Him.
It is not something that someone can steal away from you, it is an intrinsic part of that relationship, of that passion, of that delight which being in Christ enable in us.
Only we can steal our opportunity to live the wonder of this joy, by putting out the fire he brings to our hearts.
Only us, with our carelessness, our coldness, our ignorance or lack of interest can say to Christ, I do not care for your joy, I prefer to find it elsewhere.
But Paul says.
So I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God that is within you through the laying on of my hands, because God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.
2 Timothy 1: 6 For the kingdom of God it is not eating and drinking but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.
Romans 14:17 You will show me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand.
Psalms 16:11 This fire, this joy, this divine adventure is within our reach, and it is our choice to take it or leave it.
But we dare not accuse God of our misery, of our sorrows of our agonies and struggles.
We dare not accuse God of the evil that comes our way, or to cry out to Him for special favors, if we are not able to forsake the cheap copy of rejoicing which the world appears to offer; if we fail to look up to heaven and tell God that there's no one else's love we care more for, or that we are willing to live a life of abandonment and obedience, of complete devotion and sacrifice.
For if we are capable of this, everything we do from then on will become a joy, we will rejoice when doing mundane tasks, we will rejoice when we get up and when we lay down, we will find joy in all those labors that for others are burdensome, and above all this, we will rejoice in opulence or in lack, we will rejoice in our pains and in our happiness, we will rejoice with those who love us, and even with our enemies, and with the arbitrariness of life; and our joy becomes contagious, and we see how many more will want to imitate and receive that joy which lives in you, the joy that goes beyond all reason and beyond the logic that the world tries to impose on you.
Get this joy today, Come to Jesus Christ no matter how you are, and give yourself to Him with abandon.
For he says: Come unto me, all ye that labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest.
Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am meek and humble of heart, and find rest for your souls, for my yoke is easy and my burden light.
This is the day of salvation, the day of your rescue; rescue from all your misadventures, from all your questions, all your sorrows, and all your troubles.
Not because they will disappear altogether but because in the Joy of the Lord, you find the truth of what they really are, and in Him you find new reasons, new purposes, new understandings, new wisdom, for in him all things are made new.
To him who it is able to keep you from falling and to present you faultless before his glory with exceeding joy, to the only wise God our Savior, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, now and forever.
José A.
Luna Servant of Christ Jesus

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