Themes for a Christian Luncheon
- Churches and other Christian organizations utilize annual meetings to keep members apprised of financial, business and event information. For such meetings, possible themes include "Looking Back: A Year in the Life," "Where Do We Go from Here" or "You Are Here." Table decorations might include snapshots of events from the last year, rolled up scrolls containing the annual report or snapshots and vitas of officer candidates for the coming year. While people are eating, a slide show or video can highlight completed goals, proposed new projects and candid shots of members in action.
- Most Christian organizations include prayer as a valuable tool and faith practice. Several days dedicated to prayer populate the U.S. calendar, including the National Day of Prayer, World Day of Prayer and See You at the Pole. A luncheon on any of these days could use the theme of prayer. Table decorations could include figures of praying hands, notepads for participants to list prayer requests submitted by tablemates or a table runner with the theme for the prayer event such as "A Mighty Fortress is Our God" used as the 2011 National Day of Prayer.
- Many organizations focus on stewardship and charitable giving as a way to raise funds. Christian organizations seeking to raise funds could invite former contributors and new friends to a stewardship themed luncheon. The speaker might discuss ways the organization uses funds or encourage the potential contributors that their donations evidence good stewardship. A tree with paper clips could invite luncheon attendees to clip a check or cash to the money tree. Pictures of various organization projects show donors how their gifts are utilized.
- Thanksgiving luncheon themes encourage Christians to count their blessings and thank God for the many ways they are blessed. Luncheon attendees might share testimonies of God's provision with table mates. A speaker focuses on different ways believers are blessed, including answered prayer, comfort in crisis and unexpected miracles. Table decorations could include Bible verses about thankfulness such as II Samuel 22:50, "I will give thanks and extol You, O Lord, among the nations; I will sing praises to Your name." or I Chronicles 16:34, "O give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; for His mercy and loving-kindness endure forever!"