Travel & Places Budget Travel

How to Manage Long-Term Airport Parking on a Budget

You're feeling good about the money saved on that cheap flight or bargain hotel room. It has been a great 10 days away from home!

Then it hits you.

In the excitement of leaving, you left your car in short-term parking. The attendant wants $200.

Maybe you had the foresight to hit long-term parking, but forgot to budget for the expense. The attendant wants $120, please.

Few travel expenses provide less pleasure than parking fees.

The only satisfaction is knowing your vehicle should be well-watched and perhaps dry while you are away.

How much are you willing to pay for such satisfaction?

Most of us would rather have a pair of nice dinners or a nicer hotel room if we have to spend that money.

So budget travelers have pursued a number of strategies designed to minimize -- and in some cases eliminate -- parking expenses.

Click "next" to look at some ways in which this pricey problem can be simplified.

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