This Diet to Lose Belly Fat May Surprise You
Is a diet to lose belly fat any different than a diet to lose fat on any other part of your body? If you ask this question 10 times, you can get 10 different answers.
Most people believe fat is fat, but there may be some things you can do to lose belly fat quickly.
Read on to see how you can lose belly fat as well as overall body fat.
One thing you have to realize is that you need a diet for you.
It doesn't have to be one that is labeled low carb or low fat or high protein.
You have to understand how your body works and tailor a diet to lose belly fat around your body's needs.
In order to get a lean abdomen to show your six pack, you need to get rid of the fat around your stomach.
Don't be afraid to eat carbs.
You need carbohydrates for energy.
The point is to try to get most of your carbs from higher fiber sources like vegetables, fruits and unrefined grains.
High fiber foods keep you full longer and slow down the glycemic response of the foods you do eat.
A diet to lose belly fat needs to include protein.
Protein keeps you feeling fuller longer because it takes longer to digest.
Grass-fed beef is much better than the normal, grocery store, grain-fed beef.
You also need protein to build lean muscles.
Muscle allows us to burn fat faster and takes up less room than fat so you look leaner.
You do need some fat in your diet, but make it healthy fats like nuts, avocados, eggs and seeds.
It you don't eat enough healthy fats you may have cravings which may lead to unhealthy snacking or binging.
Try to eat as much unprocessed foods as you can.
Processed foods are loaded with artificial trans fat, like margarine and shortening.
Other ingredients to avoid include high fructose corn syrup.
I want to mention something that has nothing to do with diet.
Too much ongoing stress can contribute to belly fat.
Stress increases the levels of the hormone Cortisol in our bodies.
High and prolonged levels of cortisol has been linked to the storage of abdominal fat.
Most people believe fat is fat, but there may be some things you can do to lose belly fat quickly.
Read on to see how you can lose belly fat as well as overall body fat.
One thing you have to realize is that you need a diet for you.
It doesn't have to be one that is labeled low carb or low fat or high protein.
You have to understand how your body works and tailor a diet to lose belly fat around your body's needs.
In order to get a lean abdomen to show your six pack, you need to get rid of the fat around your stomach.
Don't be afraid to eat carbs.
You need carbohydrates for energy.
The point is to try to get most of your carbs from higher fiber sources like vegetables, fruits and unrefined grains.
High fiber foods keep you full longer and slow down the glycemic response of the foods you do eat.
A diet to lose belly fat needs to include protein.
Protein keeps you feeling fuller longer because it takes longer to digest.
Grass-fed beef is much better than the normal, grocery store, grain-fed beef.
You also need protein to build lean muscles.
Muscle allows us to burn fat faster and takes up less room than fat so you look leaner.
You do need some fat in your diet, but make it healthy fats like nuts, avocados, eggs and seeds.
It you don't eat enough healthy fats you may have cravings which may lead to unhealthy snacking or binging.
Try to eat as much unprocessed foods as you can.
Processed foods are loaded with artificial trans fat, like margarine and shortening.
Other ingredients to avoid include high fructose corn syrup.
I want to mention something that has nothing to do with diet.
Too much ongoing stress can contribute to belly fat.
Stress increases the levels of the hormone Cortisol in our bodies.
High and prolonged levels of cortisol has been linked to the storage of abdominal fat.