Credit Repair Services Six Month Plan
Start From Where You Are
Regardless of your starting point you can transform your credit in six months by employing a reputable credit repair services company. If your credit is decent, it can be awesome. If your credit is poor, you can emerge from your six month plan with an infinitely better looking report, and a smile on your face. Are you ready?
The Examination
All credit repair services will undoubtedly start your program with an examination of your credit report. Each of the three bureaus is equally important. The goal is to identify every single dispute candidate. The advantage to using a professional for the job is that they should be able to spot even the most subtle legal reporting problems.
The Dispute Process Month by Month
The dispute process is in the hands of your credit repair company, and the best of the services will schedule the dispute cycle as closely to the 30 day limit that the bureaus are allowed for processing letters. This process should be efficient and quick. When a dispute is sent out, the bureaus will send the responses to you in the mail, so you will be able to track the outcome month by month.
Pushing for Success
Most credit repair services will ask you to forward the response letters to them so they can monitor your progress. This is critical for a very special reason. The better services will use these responses in a special way. If the item disputed is verified they will immediately send a reply back to the bureau acknowledging the verification and demanding further research.
Your Credit Repair Homework
While the dispute process is underway you will surely be given some homework of your own. To get the results you want it is crucial to have at least two open, active credit cards, and to manage them very carefully. Credit repair will not deliver the results you want without your participation, so open those accounts promptly. If you are concerned about getting denied, there is an easy solution.
Starting the Rebuilding
If your credit is too poor to get normal credit cards, secured cards are the perfect credit repair tool. They are inexpensive, easy to get (you will not get turned down), and the best of these cards will report to all three bureaus, and will not include a notation that they are secured. You will have to deposit a small amount (usually 300 dollars) as collateral for these cards, but will get your money back when the accounts are closed.
Other Optimization Opportunities
In addition, most good credit repair services will examine your reports for other credit score optimization opportunities and advise you accordingly. There are many cases where reducing balances, transferring balances, or even closing accounts can provide the extra score benefit you need to reach your six month goal.
Finding the Right Company
Looking for the right credit repair services company? There are a number of perfectly excellent choices, but you should do your homework before choosing. Check the Better Business Bureau record first. An occasional complaint may not be indicative of a problem, but there should not be a pattern of trouble. And, as important, give them a call. You should be comfortable with them on the phone. Make a list of questions in advance and ask away! The right company will feel right to you! Good luck!
Copyright © 2010 Ian Webber. All Content. All Rights Reserved.
Regardless of your starting point you can transform your credit in six months by employing a reputable credit repair services company. If your credit is decent, it can be awesome. If your credit is poor, you can emerge from your six month plan with an infinitely better looking report, and a smile on your face. Are you ready?
The Examination
All credit repair services will undoubtedly start your program with an examination of your credit report. Each of the three bureaus is equally important. The goal is to identify every single dispute candidate. The advantage to using a professional for the job is that they should be able to spot even the most subtle legal reporting problems.
The Dispute Process Month by Month
The dispute process is in the hands of your credit repair company, and the best of the services will schedule the dispute cycle as closely to the 30 day limit that the bureaus are allowed for processing letters. This process should be efficient and quick. When a dispute is sent out, the bureaus will send the responses to you in the mail, so you will be able to track the outcome month by month.
Pushing for Success
Most credit repair services will ask you to forward the response letters to them so they can monitor your progress. This is critical for a very special reason. The better services will use these responses in a special way. If the item disputed is verified they will immediately send a reply back to the bureau acknowledging the verification and demanding further research.
Your Credit Repair Homework
While the dispute process is underway you will surely be given some homework of your own. To get the results you want it is crucial to have at least two open, active credit cards, and to manage them very carefully. Credit repair will not deliver the results you want without your participation, so open those accounts promptly. If you are concerned about getting denied, there is an easy solution.
Starting the Rebuilding
If your credit is too poor to get normal credit cards, secured cards are the perfect credit repair tool. They are inexpensive, easy to get (you will not get turned down), and the best of these cards will report to all three bureaus, and will not include a notation that they are secured. You will have to deposit a small amount (usually 300 dollars) as collateral for these cards, but will get your money back when the accounts are closed.
Other Optimization Opportunities
In addition, most good credit repair services will examine your reports for other credit score optimization opportunities and advise you accordingly. There are many cases where reducing balances, transferring balances, or even closing accounts can provide the extra score benefit you need to reach your six month goal.
Finding the Right Company
Looking for the right credit repair services company? There are a number of perfectly excellent choices, but you should do your homework before choosing. Check the Better Business Bureau record first. An occasional complaint may not be indicative of a problem, but there should not be a pattern of trouble. And, as important, give them a call. You should be comfortable with them on the phone. Make a list of questions in advance and ask away! The right company will feel right to you! Good luck!
Copyright © 2010 Ian Webber. All Content. All Rights Reserved.