Business & Finance Finance

StudentsWays To Get Approved

You're finally eighteen and you're ready to start adulthood and one of the perks of becoming an adult includes having a credit card. The main question that everyone always asks is How do I get a credit card when I don't even have credit? Well, the answer to this question is fairly simple; you begin with a first time credit card like a student credit card.

Getting approved for a first time credit card is actually not that hard. If you don't have any credit and you're attending or you're planning on it, the ball is already in your court. Credit card companies love to take their chances on students that don't have any credit. Their theory is that if the student doesn't have enough money to pay off their debts, they just assume that mom or dad will bail them out.

The reason you want to apply for a credit card at such a young age is because once you get older and you're out of school, credit card companies will start to raise red flags when you apply for a credit card. They are going to ask themselves, Why is he/she applying for a credit card? They have the mindset that you are in need of money and you don't have the funds to pay off your bills.

When you're younger and you apply for a credit card, they just assume that you trying to get a credit card to start building your credit. Building your credit is important because it helps you for your future. Your credit will allow you get a better rate on your mortgage and will also help you get that first car loan. You're not going to want to go through life relying on mom and dad's credit because you didn't establish any.

When you finally decide to apply for a credit card, it's important that you already registered at the school you're about to attend. The reason why credit card companies are more bias toward college students is because students tend to be more responsible than a high school student not wanting to go to school at all. Let's face it. In today's world, you're going to need some sort of education to make the big bucks, if you don't have the skills; no one is going to hire you. When you don't have any money, it's going to be harder to pay your bills.

If you don't plan on going to college and you want a credit card, you're still going to be able to find one but you're going to find out that you're going to get rejected a lot more than a student that applied.
This will just involve a lot more research on your part. It's always best to apply for a few credit cards at first. If you apply for three cards, you'll probably find you'll get rejected for two. If you get approved for all three, that's more power to you. We would just recommend that you don't apply for anymore for a while for your credit score sake.

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