Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Whatever is Good

Ever stop to think why we are instructed to dwell on whatever is "Good" in the Bible? When you come to realize that whatever you dwell upon in your thinking mind, becomes a reality, you will soon begin to see why the command is given.
Since we all know, whether or not we believe, that that which we focus on, brings about reality for us, even if it is simply to find it nearly impossible to stop a habit.
 Shouldn't we begin to take the command we find in the Bible for truth? The command says, amongst other things, to "let your mind dwell on whatever is good.
"   Think about what good means now consider who the instruction is given to.
 If everyone who has ever heard the command were to take action on it and believe in its virtue, the world would be a different place.
  Since you are the only one who can affect a change in your personal way of thinking, wouldn't it be great if you were to start an entire process within your own belief system that caused you to focus and dwell upon that which is good?   When we comprehend how important it is for our well being, to say nothing of the world in general, we begin to see why the command is given.
With the state of the Union as it is, could you imagine where we would be if we were to focus on current events and fail to look for the positive effects of its condition?   What good thing can you find in any piece of information you happen upon? Find that good and dwell upon it, no matter the size of the good information, you will find that it overpowers the effect of the negative or lower energy input you have been given.
  This is not to say that you should go around with your head in the sand, no one would expect that, it is however saying that you should recognize that there is good in everything and the more we focus on that good, the more we will experience the greatness of life.
  Cheryl G Burke  

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