Business & Finance Finance

Boeing Stock Price: Good Investments at This Time of Recession

The great past time these days isn't watching or playing sports, nor is it going to the movies or watching television. Rather, it's watching the stock market. Until 2008, this was a cheerful thing to do as stocks of most companies rose, based on performances by respective companies. Mutual funds also invested heavily in the stock markets and when all was well, everyone was happy. Then came the financial crisis brought about by the housing sector. Boom. Everyone took a hit. And to some, it was the death knell. As markets all over the world started to react, the United States took an unprecedented but successful move in saving some of the more important financial institutions. Though this action was met also with criticism as well, the end for all arguments was simply this: If we let them fail, then the market institutions would fail as well. It was a bitter lesson for everyone to take and everyone was hit. The housing market, most especially got whacked well. Lending became tight and as a result, there was no free cash for banks to lend to customers wishing to finance their homes. The Federal Reserve then took actions to make the reserve requirements of banks, the amount of money the banks needed to maintain, almost at zero percent. This was never unheard of before and slowly but surely, the recession is slightly over but there is a build up time for consumers to be confident enough to borrow and for banks to release money.

As for the stock market, the need to go and invest wisely has become more evident than ever. Taking a long term perspective on stocks you purchase rather than short term gains is the name of the game. The Boeing Company is a maker of airplanes and aerospace products. These days its stock is worth picking up and holding on for some time. Though the tourism industry was done for two years, it will pick up and so will the orders of more airplanes. The Boeing Stock Price is good enough to invest on. Its products like the 747 and other aircrafts are in demand and there are still orders being fulfilled, proof of the confidence of some airline companies that the future is bright.

In the end, it seems like the US recession is over and there is confidence in consumer spending. The market has corrected itself and changes that were made intended to stop a world wide global depression have worked. It is time to rebuild our assets, so spend a bit and invest wisely.

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