Health & Medical Nutrition

The Dangers of Soda Pop

As a rule, we know it is important to drink at least eight glasses of water a day.
This is because over 75% of our bodies are made up of water.
This includes blood, muscles and other body tissues.
However the idea of drinking so much water seems very unappealing when we have so much choice when choosing a substance to quench our thirst.
Most of us drink soda pop as if it were water, some of us have even completely replaced water with carbonated drinks.
But does soda pop actually quench our thirsts? Actually, no.
Caffeine, a drug that is found in large quantities in soda pop acts as a diuretic.
In addition to this, copious amounts of sugar interfere with the body's absorption of fluids.
This means that drinking soda pop actually makes us thirstier, which means that we drink more and so the vicious cycle continues.
We have done this despite the many warnings that have come from governments and the medical fraternity and then wonder why we look the way we do.
Soda pop contains an alarming amount of sugar, calories and other harmful additives, most of which have no nutritional value.
Medical studies have linked soda pop to osteoporosis, obesity, tooth decay and heart disease.
Soda pop is particularly dangerous for children and teenagers, especially those who are less active.
The incidence of obesity has increased dramatically amongst teenagers, and being overweight has resulted in increasing diagnosis of diabetes.
Type 2 diabetes occurs when the body becomes resistant to insulin and therefore can no longer use insulin efficiently.
Diet soda is not much better than the regular variety.
In a study conducted at the University of Texas in 2005, it was found that people who drink a lot of diet soda are more prone to becoming overweight than those who consume regular soda.
The study also showed that rats that were fed a mixture of sugar and artificial sweeteners ate a lot more than rats that were fed plain sugar.
How is this possible? How does consuming diet soda lead to more instances of obesity than drinking regular soda? It just does not seem physically possible.
In order to understand the dangers that soda pop poses to our health, we need to fully appreciate the inner workings of the body, and how additives contained in soda pop physically react with our own natural chemicals.
How are our hormones affected by drinking copious amounts of soda, and how do our bodies become resistant to the insulin needed to process sugar? We need to stop convincing ourselves that drinking diet soda is going to help us lose weight or keep us healthy.
The fact is that it doesn't, it actually has the opposite effect.
Both regular soda and diet soda are equally bad for us and should therefore be avoided where possible.
Water is still the best means to quench our thirst and to keep our bodies hydrated.
All it takes is eight glasses a day.

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