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The Best XP Registry Cleaner

XP is one of the most widely used operating systems ever.
It was introduced back in 2002, and has quickly been taken up by millions of computer users world wide.
This is great, but some of its users have been feeling the results of the Achilles Heal of XP - the 'registry'.
The registry is simply the central database that Windows uses to store all your settings and system files.
It's vitally important, and is constantly being added and updated by Windows.
It contains everything from your desktop wallpaper to your latest emails, and Windows XP couldn't run without it.
It's because of this importance, that Windows actually edits so many of the registry's files, but often, those files become corrupt and damaged...
When this happens, your computer runs slow and has bigger problems down the road.
Because your computer *needs* these files to operate, when they become corrupt, it actually slows XP down.
Eventually, systems can end up with 1,000's of damaged files, which allow it down dramatically.
In order to fix this, you simply need to make all the corrupt files good again.
This will allow Windows to find the files it needs quicker, giving it more resources to focus on what you want it to do.
However, since the registry is over 10,000 files big, many of which are critical system files, it's literally impossible for one person to browse through and remove all the problematic files.
That's why we need to rely on XP registry cleaners to do the job for us .
These tools scan through your computer's registry and pick out all the corrupt / lost files.
They then take the files and fix them for you, instantly speeding up your computer.
There are many different registry cleaners, but we've found the best one for XP is called RegGenie.
This is a relatively new piece of software, which has been designed around the latest problems that Vista faces.
Although this means it's really focused on helping Vista users, RegGenie actually works very well with XP.
This is great, because it allows us to rely on its latest features and updates to make XP run faster, and more smoothly again.

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