Business & Finance Careers & Employment

The Average Salary of an Egyptologist


    • Most Egyptologists have a doctorate degree in Egyptology, but many colleges and universities do not offer undergraduate studies in this specialty. Moreover, these professionals are often classified as archaeologists. The Theban Mapping Project suggests that prospective Egyptologists pursue studies in "the Egyptian language or in art and archaeology of ancient Egypt."


    • The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported a median annual salary of $53,460 for archaeologists as of May 2009 and an average hourly wage of $25.70.


    • According to TourEgypt, most Egyptologists teach or perform research for museums and rarely have the opportunity to do field work in Egypt. Although there is quite a bit to learn about ancient Egypt, most excavations and fieldwork require funding. Along with teaching and research, some of these professionals work on fundraising activities.

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