Family & Relationships Conflict

How to Deal With a Break-Up: Getting Through The Pain

Relationships can bring about lots of joy and happiness until a breakup happens.
Dealing with a break-up can be a torturous, agonizing experience and unfortunately for most who are in relationships, statistically, chances are everyone will go through at least one.
This article's aim is to try and soften the blow of such an experience.
When dealing with a breakup the pain involved can lead to a state of depression.
When we are in this state of mind we become vulnerable.
All of our thought processes are greatly affected.
We can at this point no longer think rationally.
The absolute worst thing that anybody can do when dealing with a break-up is to dwell on their ex.
Dwelling equals heartbreak! So What do you do? I don't know but whatever it is just be sure it's "fun"! Finding something fun and interesting to do makes the time pass faster and it keeps your mind off of your ex.
It only hurts bad when you consistently think about them because it's still fresh in your mind.
It has to be fun and interesting or else you'll tire of it, get bored and resume thinking about the very thing that's causing you the pain.
Find some new friends, no not the opposite sex either unless well you know.
Why new friends? Well what do you think old friends will want to talk about? The very thing that you should be keeping your mind off of.
Remember the first rule when dealing with a break-up is to forget the source of the pain by keeping your mind occupied.
Now unless your new friends are going through the same thing that you are they should be able to keep you occupied doing some neat and interesting things.
In other words don't take up with anyone, go around anything that reminds you of your ex at least while you're in the first stages of a break up.
No one said that this would be easy.
At this point the purpose of forgetting is crucial because you don't want to get into the slump of deep depression.
Staying in too deep of a depressed state of mind while dealing with a break-up can have some very bad side effects.
Your thought process is clouded and you are very vulnerable at this point.
You can make some pretty stupid mistakes being in this state, mistakes that may have some hefty consequences.
Others can even easily take advantage of you in many ways also.
So the very best thing is to keep yourself and your mind occupied doing other things.
Time heals.
This, given enough time, will pass and the pain will dull then you can begin to sort things out rationally (think things out with a clearer mind).
So while in this stage what if the ex calls you? What would you say? Well Contact is just not a wise thing to do at this point.
Reiterating, the sole purpose of dealing with a break-up in the manner described is what? To completely and totally forget the source of your pain.

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