Health & Medical Nutrition

How to Get the Right Nutrition For Your Body Before, During and After Workouts

Here are some tips for nutrition to make the most of your active lifestyle:

Water, water everywhere

Did you know water makes up more than half of your body weight? That's why it's so important to begin activities when you're well hydrated. If you're heading out to an activity that lasts an hour or longer, drink at least one bottle of water (500mL) each hour.

If you're thinking of replacing your water with a sports drink, remember that most sports drinks are designed to be high in calories, sugar and sodium. They are meant for endurance athletes and those who train for several hours a day. They are usually not necessary for activities under an hour.

In some situations, you might want a sport drink. They can be useful when you're highly active for longer than 90 minutes or if you are sweating on very hot days, as you will need to replenish fluids and electrolytes.

Are they right for you? Remember, they may not be suitable for children and for adults concerned with their weight because they can be very high in caffeine, sugar and calories.

Eating for activity

Your body needs to be fueled before and during exercise that lasts more than an hour. Despite the bad rap carbohydrates sometimes get, they are the main source of fuel during exercise and are found in starchy foods like bread, fruits and vegetables.

Stick to easy digesting foods like fruit, fruit smoothies, cereal or plain crackers before or during vigorous exercise. To prevent stomach upset, give yourself at least 1 hour prior to exercising to digest food.

Trail mix is a great non-perishable snack for non-vigorous activities such as hiking. It's a high-energy, high-fibre snack that will help you feel full and give you the important nutrients you need.Your body needs to be fueled before and during exercise that lasts more than an hour. Despite the bad rap carbohydrates sometimes get, they are the main source of fuel during exercise and are found in starchy foods like bread, fruits and vegetables.

Stick to easy digesting foods like fruit, fruit smoothies, cereal or plain crackers before or during vigorous exercise. To prevent stomach upset, give yourself at least 1 hour prior to exercising to digest food.

Trail mix is a great non-perishable snack for non-vigorous activities such as hiking. It's a high-energy, high-fibre snack that will help you feel full and give you the important nutrients you need.

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