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In Adversity, We Know Our True Friends

It is during times of great adversity that your false friends fall by the wayside and our true enemies show their face.
You need to remember the path to success in any venture, business, school, or life will have its peaks and valleys.
You will have times when you are on your "A" game and it appears you can do no wrong.
People will cheer you on, friends will surround you and people will sing your praises.
Then there will be times when you hit a valley, a bad cycle or a few bumps in the road.
It is then that your true friends and supporters will show themselves.
It's tough sometimes Keep in mind that will experience success and failures as your charge towards the things that are important to you.
You will be leading with new thoughts, new actions and new beliefs.
This will make you stand out from the crowd.
At times you will have a team of other people that are charging to your goals with you and at times you will be standing all alone.
You will be the only one willing to fight the fight, the only one committed to achieving your goal no matter what and the only one willing lose it all.
Everyone around you may have lost faith in you--your friends, your family, your colleagues, your bankers, your boss, and they will lose faith in your vision.
But you need to think like a metaphorical rhino, and charge to achieve your goals regardless of the negative people, circumstances and cycles.
When the going gets tough you will look around and often see nobody there to support you.
They lack the commitment, the strength, the will to persevere during the difficult times.
But you must charge on! Success in any venture or project is based on your ability to persist and believe in yourself even when everyone else has abandoned you.
Watch out for those false supporters It's easy for people to ride your coattails and pat you on the back when you are winning.
When you are experiencing success, making progress and winning key victories there will be lots of "supporters" there singing the company line and "committed" to the big vision! But when the failures start, when the road gets difficult, and when total failure seems possible, the fear will set in.
They will get frazzled, lose their commitment and start to disappear one by one.
Their strong "supporting" attitude will give way to other tendencies (we call them "cow tendencies") of doubt, blame and pity.
Soon, the very leader they followed and praised will be the "cause" of all their problems.
The decisions they supported in the past when everything was going well will now be the "bad" decisions of the leader they encouraged.
They will eventually fade away from the company, the project, or your life.
And yes, they will blame you, the leader, for the hell their life has become.
They will not accept personal responsibility, nor understand that success has its ups and downs and will try to tear you down.
The Good News...
The good news is that it is during times of great turmoil that the true supporters rise to the occasion.
Just when the cows are ganging up on you...
just as you start to feel alone in the world...
and just as your dreams seem to be vanishing in front of you, a miraculous thing will happen.
New true friends will appear.
They will admire your persistence, your courage and your willingness to charge full steam ahead even when the world is closing in around you.
As the cows in your life drop like flies because success is too hard, because they fear failure and because they have lost faith, new energetic supporters will appear.
They will be there during the rough times to help you, they will add experience, they will fill you with new energy and they will revitalize your dream.
The good news is that without failures, you will never know who your false friends are.
You will never know who is really committed to your vision and dream until the road becomes difficult.
Then and only then will people show their true colors.
It is then that the cows show their real traits.
It is then that fear becomes the motivator rather than faith.
It is then from out of nowhere new supporters will arrive on the scene and help create the next success.
Some of these new supporters have been there all along and because the cows have disappeared they can now move up the company ladder or team.
Some of these new supporters come to your aid because they see the tremendous potential of your vision if the right people were on the bus.
From Failure to Success These new supporters will take you from a valley of failure to a peak of success...
and they will deserve to share in the glory.
They had the vision, the persistence and the thick skin to support you when nobody else would and to see a path to success when everyone else saw only failure.
The Real World The true value of what is written here is that it from a combination of academic knowledge and real world knowledge.
"The definition of success--To laugh much; to win respect of intelligent persons and the affections of children; to earn the approbation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty; to find the best in others; to give one's self; to leave the world a little better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition.
; to have played and laughed with enthusiasm, and sung with exultation; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived--this is to have succeeded.
" -Ralph Waldo Emerson

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