Health & Medical Body building

Muscle Building Diet Tips

Only knowing the perfect techniques of exercise is not enough, there is more to muscle building than that.
As you go about pumping irons, it is also important to watch what and how much you are eating.
You are only half way to your target of muscle building if you are only exercising, but not eating right and at the right frequency.
Follow these tips and ensure that you are striking the right balance of work out and diet.
Protein, doubles your body weight It's a known fact that eating protein-rich diet is a must for muscle building, so if you have a body weight, say, 150 to 160 pounds, your protein intake should 250 to 300 grams daily to help you get at least an extra pound a week.
Count the protein burnt While consuming proteins, you need also to watch how much of it you are burning in the course of your workout.
This is the way to ensure there's no loss of protein to the muscle.
Multiple sources of protein It is good not to get your protein from just one source, say, milk, egg, or meat.
Plan a diet that has all of these and other sources too.
Try supplements Too much of meat could do harm to kidneys and may even stuff you with carcinogens.
Try instead some soy supplements for muscle mass.
Besides, when you have consumed more proteins than what comprises a normal diet, make sure your intake of water and fluids is optimum too.
Don't miss Carbohydrates Carbohydrates are the basic source of energy, so as much as you need the proteins to build up the muscle mass, it is the carbohydrates that will energies you to lift the hefty weights.
Muscle building regime is inept without a perfect diet plan.

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