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How to Use a Beam Torque Wrench

    • 1). Consult the manufacturer's torque specification chart and look up the torque specification for the assembly you are working on.

    • 2). Select the proper socket to fit the fastener and the torque wrench drive.

    • 3). Grasp the torque wrench hand grip in the center. Make sure the handle can pivot on the center pin. To insure accuracy, it is important that the handle is held in the same manner for all torque measurements.

    • 4). Pull on the wrench handle when torquing fasteners. It's easier to apply steady pressure when pulling, as pushing the handle tends to cause the needle on the wrench to fluctuate more.

    • 5). Read the applied torque while applying pressure to the wrench handle. The torque is read on the scale near the handle. The pointer indicates the foot-pounds of torque reached as you pull on the handle.

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