Tips For Preparing For Lead Paint Abatement
Abatement means any measure or set of measures designed to permanently eliminate lead-based paint hazards.
It includes the removal of lead-contaminated dust and lead-based paint.
It is the permanent encapsulation of lead-based paint or the permanent enclosure of such paint.
It includes the replacement of lead-painted surfaces, and the removal of lead contaminated soil.
It includes all the prep work, cleanup, disposal and post-abatement testing to insure all the lead-based paint/ dust was removed.
Abatement does not include renovation, landscaping, remodeling or activities that are not designed to permanently remove and eliminate the paint hazards.
Occupants who live in a property that will be having lead-based paint renovation need to make arrangements and be prepared for what is going to be done.
The rooms or areas where work is going to be done needs to be block off with plastic sheeting.
If this room is a bedroom, kitchen or bathroom, the occupant needs to anticipate not having access to this room until the work is completed.
Arrangements need to be made for all pets as well.
They too can be poisoned by lead and can track the dust into other parts of the dwelling.
Tacky doormats can trap dust from shoes and contain it.
Ideally a separate pathway can be used by the contractor to bring his/her work materials in and out of the home that is separate from the occupants use.
All furniture and belongings may have to be moved from the work area, to avoid being contaminated with lead dust and debris.
If they cannot be moved, then they should be wrapped in heavy duty plastic sheeting.
Remind occupants to turn off air conditioning and heating while the work is being done.
The lead based paint dust can travel through duct work, if the ducts are not properly sealed off.
The job will go much more smoothly when the occupants fully understand what needs to be done and why.
Do not forget, you can get more information by calling the EPA at 800-424-5323 for more tips and information.
It includes the removal of lead-contaminated dust and lead-based paint.
It is the permanent encapsulation of lead-based paint or the permanent enclosure of such paint.
It includes the replacement of lead-painted surfaces, and the removal of lead contaminated soil.
It includes all the prep work, cleanup, disposal and post-abatement testing to insure all the lead-based paint/ dust was removed.
Abatement does not include renovation, landscaping, remodeling or activities that are not designed to permanently remove and eliminate the paint hazards.
Occupants who live in a property that will be having lead-based paint renovation need to make arrangements and be prepared for what is going to be done.
The rooms or areas where work is going to be done needs to be block off with plastic sheeting.
If this room is a bedroom, kitchen or bathroom, the occupant needs to anticipate not having access to this room until the work is completed.
Arrangements need to be made for all pets as well.
They too can be poisoned by lead and can track the dust into other parts of the dwelling.
Tacky doormats can trap dust from shoes and contain it.
Ideally a separate pathway can be used by the contractor to bring his/her work materials in and out of the home that is separate from the occupants use.
All furniture and belongings may have to be moved from the work area, to avoid being contaminated with lead dust and debris.
If they cannot be moved, then they should be wrapped in heavy duty plastic sheeting.
Remind occupants to turn off air conditioning and heating while the work is being done.
The lead based paint dust can travel through duct work, if the ducts are not properly sealed off.
The job will go much more smoothly when the occupants fully understand what needs to be done and why.
Do not forget, you can get more information by calling the EPA at 800-424-5323 for more tips and information.