Article Writing - How To Use Article Writing For High Response Rates I
When you become involved in article writing it is generally for one reason.
To increase your web site traffic, and to achieve a high response rate to your article you must provide some incentive for the reader to visit your website.
Your author's biography with the link to your site is generally at the bottom of each article in the article directories, and by the time the reader comes across this they will have read through the article, and most of the hard work is done.
The hardest part is to get them to read the article.
Your work therefore begins with the first part of the article:the title.
The title must make a potential visitor to your web site want to read the article.
If the title is uninspiring or not relevant to the interests of the people who have found it from a site search on the directory for information relating to the keyword they used, then they will not read the article.
The title must either offer the promise of information or some benefit the reader will get through reading the article.
Once you have decided on a title that is going to persuade the prospect to read on, then you can begin to work on the article.
One of the most important aspects of the article itself is that it must relate to the title.
Nothing is more certain to stop somebody reading than finding that the text is disassociated from the title.
Your title should have been chosen to suit the keyword that was chosen to fill a need that people are searching the internet for.
Your article body should therefore expand on that without fully answering the question.
To increase your web site traffic, and to achieve a high response rate to your article you must provide some incentive for the reader to visit your website.
Your author's biography with the link to your site is generally at the bottom of each article in the article directories, and by the time the reader comes across this they will have read through the article, and most of the hard work is done.
The hardest part is to get them to read the article.
Your work therefore begins with the first part of the article:the title.
The title must make a potential visitor to your web site want to read the article.
If the title is uninspiring or not relevant to the interests of the people who have found it from a site search on the directory for information relating to the keyword they used, then they will not read the article.
The title must either offer the promise of information or some benefit the reader will get through reading the article.
Once you have decided on a title that is going to persuade the prospect to read on, then you can begin to work on the article.
One of the most important aspects of the article itself is that it must relate to the title.
Nothing is more certain to stop somebody reading than finding that the text is disassociated from the title.
Your title should have been chosen to suit the keyword that was chosen to fill a need that people are searching the internet for.
Your article body should therefore expand on that without fully answering the question.