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Feng Shui of Bathrooms, Laundry Rooms and Closets

Read All 7 Tips for A Good Feng Shui Floor Plan 
Tip #1: Front Door & Foyer/Main Entrance
Tip #2: Doors and Windows
Tip #3: Bedroom Location & Design
Tip #4: Kitchen Design and Location
Tip #5: Staircase Location and Design
Tip #6: Bathrooms, Laundry Room & Closets/Storage
Tip #7: Design of Social Areas

Bathrooms have one of the worst possible reputation in feng shui. Even though in many ways this reputation is justified, there are still many ways to improve the feng shui of an existing bathroom, no matter where it is located.

We have an extensive hub of feng shui tips for bathroom that should help with even the worst feng shui location of a bathroom - from a bathroom in a center of your home to a bathroom in love and relationships area.

Read: Feng Shui Bathroom Tips and Solutions

However, when you are in a position to design a floor plan, why not minimize bad bathroom energy from the very beginning so that you do not constantly have to deal with it? The same applies when you looking at several houses with different floor plans, be sure you know about potentially bad bathroom energy and know what to avoid.

So, the worst feng shui locations for a bathroom are:
1. In very close proximity and facing the front door
2. In the center of your home
3. In very close proximity and facing your kitchen.
4. In your feng shui money area
5. In your love and relationships feng shui area.

The laundry room, as well as the closets and storage areas are also considered challenging because of the stagnant, heavy and cluttered/neglected energy they most often carry.

This certainly does not apply to all homes; I sure have seen beautiful, well taken care of closets, laundry rooms and storage areas, but they were usually an exception to the rule.

The truth is, these areas are often very much neglected and end up ugly and sad. As you cannot hide anything in the world of energy, start being mindful of the so-called "hidden areas" in your home and understand that they do influence your personal energy as much as the open areas do.

So, if you are looking to design a good feng shui floor plan or a choosing between several different existing floor plans, what should you avoid in terms of location of the laundry room, closets and storage? Apart from the fact that you do not want any of these three to take over your money or your love & relationships feng shui areas, here are soma basics to take into consideration.

The worst feng shui locations for a laundry room, closet or storage areas are:

1. A laundry room right next to the bedroom or the front door is usually the worst/best to avoid.
2. A closet facing the front door is best to avoid.
3. Big storage area close to the bedroom is best to avoid.

Of course, the quality of energy that you have in your closets, laundry room and storage areas will be a big factor. So, for example, a house can have a challenging feng shui location of a bathroom and closets, but if they are kept in immaculately clean, as well as visually beautiful condition, their impact will be far less challenging than that of a house with a less challenging location of any of these areas, but kept in a cluttered, neglected state. Feng shui is all about energy, remember?

When you are working with an existing floor plan, you will have to find some sort of compromise to achieve a good balance between the location of each of these spaces. This is where it is imperative to understand the proper application of subtle and intelligent feng shui cures.

However, if you are designing your dream home, do your best to take this knowledge into consideration and create a really good feng shui floor plan!

Continue Reading: Design of Social Areas in A Good Feng Shui Floor Plan

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