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Destiny Manifesting

U can see it.
It's there.
there it is & their it goes, Plain as day.
U can see it in the cirrus clouds in the azure skies, Latching on 2 each moment like brisk winds at dawn.
U can taste in the succulent berries on the copious Vines of the countryside- No longer indulging in our esurient appetite 4 the Grapes of wrath.
U can hear it in the songs of the nightingale soaring w/ ease Administering 2 us their soft sermons of FREEDOM.
U can see it in the dry bones of lands Where mastodons once roamed.
Now nothing left but faint memories.
U can feel it in the touch on the tips of a lover's Finger-unleashing pure images of emotion From the heart.
U can touch it when u're alone or in a collective mass Anointing each individual w/ its serenity.
It's there.
U can see it in the intriguing wrinkles In the face of our grandmother's the lover 2 all generations undertaking profound circumstances enhancing our reality.
U can smell it in the balmy droplets dangling on The ends of rose petals exuding an aroma so delectable one Can't help but envy the bumble bees.
There it is.
U can hear it in the waves of the ocean towering Over the shores at high noon as rays from the sun Produces a sparkling glare over the water like a blanket of fire.
U can hear it when the cock crows crooningfrom Its crest creating cradles of caring coercing the masses in2 consciousness.
It's here.
U can feel it like a rumbling deep w/in the Soul of man causing an awakening at The very nexus of our being.
U can hear it in the teachings Of the Son of David as he stood boldly on the mount.
It was there present in the counsel of Krishna w/ Arjuna In the time of war.
U can see it in the calm w/in the eye of the storm, While mother nature's magic wand whirls our lives Into a frenzy until we are willing 2 work w/ her not against her.
U can sense it in moments of reflection, Anticipating a new year.
Knowing full well what lies Ahead is a future impregnated w/ limitless possibilities.
There it is.
U can touch it w/ out trepidation & like The burning bush u will not be consumed.
U can hear it in the voices of our ancestors As they whisper their wisdom 2 us in the warmth of Night winds.
U can see it in the majestic beauty of Mount Kilimanjaro Rising 19,340 feet above the terrain of Tanzania, Sharing w/ us her splendid glory.
U can smell it in the blood on the Hands of midwives, Assisting a mother in her labor 2 bring forth a new life.
It's here- Right here.
U can taste it on yr palate after a victory hard won, signaling transcendence 2 the next level.
U can hear it in the praises of those who worship TRUTH, Loving their way in2 a heaven that begins Right now- Not after one transitions & crosses over 2 new form.
Which some have termed death, But can realistically only be life anew.
U can see it on the bricks of the Berlin wall Which no longer stands between our Universal brotherhood.
It' there atop the steaming remnants of the World Trade Towers urging us 2 be The purest paragon of light possible.
U can feel it creeping closer w/ the prowess Of a large lion locating & locking in on its prey.
Latent in the land of Africa living in the circle of life.
U can hear it in the congenial cries of the Flamboyant toucan relishing in her glamour, Content in the moistness of the rainforests of Brazil.
There it is- Right there, Flourishing be 4 us like bright blossoms on the Isles of Japan reaching out 2 its inhabitants teaching PEACE.
It's here.
Visible in each acute mathematical angle of the Egyptian pyramids pointed in an abysmal array, Designed w/ pristine integrity 2 this day still Channeling cosmic energy through the Power of the Kemetic mysteries.
It's here.
U can taste it on the moist and sweet Luscious Instruments of Passion exchanging eminent sentiments Through the sinew of serendipity.
U can sense it in the supple movements of the Indigenous people of this land, As they pray, perform & pay homage 2 the Creators In rituals of rain dance.
Now, simply confined 2 Reservations- Whose spirits will 4 ever possess this land.
There it is.
U can see it in the gaping toothless smile of a New born child- Eyes bright, Yearning 4 this new experience sent Here 2 show us FREE.
U can hear it in the way i talk- REVELATIONS- U can see it in the way i walk- REVOLUTION! U can see it in our rainbow face Coupled w/ TRUTH every step of the way.
It sounds like a symphony only the instruments are in Our souls, as we accelerate 2 uplift the spirit of the entire human race.
U can see it in the mirror of Reality that dwells vicariously in u Me & we.
U can hear it floating in the massive currents of the Mississippi tender, Ripe like its fertile soiled valleys.
Behold- She is here.
& she is ready.
She is our destiny & she has been waiting patiently 4 us 2 find her.
She is here now w/ open Arms of healing embracing only her Kith w/ a kiss the color Of our dreams.
Go w/ in,.
She says softly.
Then u will smell it, U will taste it, U will feel it, U will sense it, U will hear it, U will see it w/ yr 3rd eye not Blind.
Destiny, she is here.
She is calling us- Can u feel it? Can u see it? There it is.
It's here - Right here in the Cool of the Day.

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